What does (tú) haces mean?
you do
Conjugate the following regular verb for yo: Comer (to eat)
Yo como (I eat)
Use (yo) hago... correctly in a sentence:
Example: Yo hago mi tarea (I do my homework).
Make the adjective plural: nuevo (new)
Conjugate pedir (to ask for) in the tú form:
What is the antonym of sabroso(a)? Remember, antonym is the opposite.
malo = bad
Conjugate the following regular verb for él/ella/usted: bailar (to eat)
Use creo que ... correctly in a sentence:
Example: Creo que hoy va llover (I think that it will rain today).
To make an adjective ending in a consonant plural, you add an _____.
Conjugate tener (to have) for yo:
If you have not had any food, what is a phrase from your vocabulary list that you can say?
Tengo hambre (I'm hungry)
Conjugate the following regular verb for tú: comprender (to comprehend)
Use (tú) haces ... correctly in a sentence:
Example: Tú haces mucho ejercicio (You exercise a lot).
Make the following sentence plural:
El estudiante es muy inteligente.
Los estudiantes son muy inteligentes.
Conjugate pedir (to ask for) in the nosotros/as form:
Translate the following sentence: Cada día yo hago arte.
Everyday I do art.
Conjugate the following regular verb for nosotros/as: arreglar (to fix or arrange)
Use ¿Por qué? correctly in a sentence:
Example: ¿Por qué te gustan las hamburguesas? (Why do you like hamburgers?)
Make the following singular: Las ciudades son muy aburridas.
La ciudad es muy aburrida.
Conjugate querer(to want) in the él/ella/usted form:
Translate the following sentence: Cada día yo levanto pesas y camino para mantener mi salud.
Every day I lift weights and walk to maintain my health.
Conjugate the following regular verb for vosotros/as: partir (to leave)
Use porque... correctly in a sentence:
Example: A mi me gustan los tacos porque son muy sabrosos (I like tacos because they are tasty).
Fill in the blanks: Adjectives agreee with ____ depending on ____ and whether its ____ or ____
Conjugate querer(to want) in the vosotros/as form: