If you get $10 per week, what is the max amount of money you can spend each week?
What should you do when someone says "Hello" to you?
Greet them in return/acknowledge them
Is five minutes of walking each day enough exercise to keep a person healthy?
No. You need more than five minutes each day.
How do people show that they are happy?
Smiles, and sometimes laughter.
Which must you prioritize in budgeting, needs or wants?
A friend returns your greeting curtly, and makes no attempt to continue conversation with you. How should you respond?
Gently ask them if they're alright, or if they'd prefer to be left alone for now. Respect whatever response they give you.
Could bowling be considered exercise?
The bowling balls are essentially weights which you lift many times throughout the game. It may not get your blood rushing, but it will work your muscles.
Shaking breath, quickened heart rate, and an inclination to run away or hide can indicate what feeling?
Fear and or nervousness.
You found an item at one store for $5 and the same item at a second store for $3.50. Which store should you buy it from?
The second store.
You had a fight with a friend. What should you do first when you see them again?
Apologize, and mean it. Even if you can't see eye to eye with them, apologize for letting things get out of hand and turn into a fight.
What kind of table is the healthiest?
A vegetable.
When you desire to withdraw into yourself, lose your appetite, and can't seem to enjoy things that you normally love (ex. books, movies, music) you are experiencing classic symptoms of which emotion?
Sadness, possibly depression.
You can get a single pack of Raman at W-mart for $0.75, and can get a 5 pack of Raman at the D store for $1.25. Which one is a better deal.
D store.
It will cost $3.75 to get 5 packs of Raman at W-mart, when you can get the same amount for only $1.25 at D store.
You are buying lunch at a fast food place, and it is busy. Should you carry on a conversation with the cashier while you try to decide what you want, or stand out of the way of others who are ready to order?
Stay out of the way until you know what you want to order. Be polite, but keep the conversation short when you make your order. The cashier is not there to chat with, and others in line need to get their food too.
People say that honey is a healthy food. Is it truly healthy?
Yes, but not for babies under the age of 1 year old.
Strong desire to punch or break something, yell, and a pounding heart can indicate what emotion?
Your shopping list has rice, beans, milk, eggs, a new pair of pants, laundry soap, and a basketball on it. You don't know exactly how much the items will cost, but you're pretty sure you might not be able to afford everything. You are out of laundry soap and eggs. You own lots of pants, though a few are getting worn out. You don't own a basket ball and want to start a basket ball club with your friends. How should you prioritize your shopping?
Food first, starting with the eggs because you're out of them.
Next laundry soap so you can wash the clothes you already own and keep using them.
Third pants. If you can afford to get them it will be good to have the new pair to replace your worn out ones.
Last the basket ball. It is a want, not a need, and you might be able to have one of your friends bring the ball for the club.
You had an issue with another person that really bothers you. They don't want to talk about it right now, and you are in a group setting where there is no privacy. The group wants to continue with the plan they had for the day. You don't have a way to leave. How should you behave?
Swallow your pride. Let the person know in a calm manner that you want to discuss this later if you feel the need to, but then focus on the group plan for the day. Give the other person space if you can.
Desert Alert! Everyone loves a delicious, sugary desert. But is it healthy to have desert?
It can be, if you eat it in moderation. The body does require some sugar to function properly, but does best with natural sugars like those found in fresh fruits.
Strong desire to care for and protect someone, you are more willing to make exceptions for them, and find it easier to forgive them things. What feeling causes this?