Sensory Integration
Sensory Processing
Occupation based Models

Developmental groups are ______ _______ groups that provide opportunities for what type of skills?

What are Task-Oriented; and group interaction skills.


Which three sensory systems are the foundational systems in this theory?

What are Tactile, Troprioceptive and Vestibular


If a child is showing signs of hypersensitivity and overreacts to sounds and tactile input, are they displaying high or low neurological thresholds?

What is low- their system is over-reacitve 


This occupation-based model really focuses on internal motivation and press for mastery

Occupational Adaptation Model


This type of group has members that are involved in common short-term tasks, with at least 2 or more people where some interactions take place during the group but are not required outside of the group task. 

What are project groups


These two systems, when integrated, result in gravitational security

What are the proprioceptive and vestibular systems


You are working with adults with chronic conditions, such as persistent mental illness in groups. Consider Ross's 5 stages for groups: you have the group complete a yoga flow to incorporate movement. Which stage does this represent? 

What is Stage II


This model focuses on a client-centered evaluation and treatment that helps to visually identify barriers and supports that they have so they can participate fully in their life. 

What is KAWA 


These types of groups are diverse. Tasks and social-emotional needs are addressed and balanced at the same time, and the OT is a co-equal member of the group. 

What is a mature group.

This results in the integration of vestibular, auditory, visual, and tactile systems. 

What is purposeful action


You are working in a driving rehab center and have a young adult client who is displaying some difficulty with parking, and operating his signals while braking. He has had some near misses with other vehicles on the road because he struggles to look while operating the wheel. what sensory system is he struggling with?

What is Motor or praxis


This model is structured around Roles and Habits, which reinforce what skills need to be addressed.

What is MOHO


You are working in a clinic with individuals with anxiety you ask them to collaboratively come up with a topic they would like to focus their current treatment, and they choose coping skills. You are still needed to support the group's emotional needs. What type of group does this represent

What is an egocentric-cooperative group


You are working in a daycare with several children who are in a w/c, and unable to freely explore their environment. They struggle to comprehend simple commands and when you give them a shape box they are unable to correctly find the space and manipulate the toy to be successful.  What level are you trying to work within? Is this the level you should be working towards ?

What is level 3; 


You have a 7-year-old child with SPD who is struggling with staying attentive during class. They are unable to stay seated and want to move around the classroom often without purpose.  They struggle with reading and writing. They are showing signs of which sensory processing d/o?

What is a postural ocular disorder

The main outcome of the PEOP model are which two concepts?

What is occupational performance and participation 


You are working in an outpatient clinic for mothers with addiction. they approach and ask you to advise them in a support group focused on life balance and healthy self-care opportunities.  They would like to come up with the weekly activities themselves. What type of group does this represent? 

What is a cooperative group


 You are working in a daycare with several children who are in a w/c, and unable to freely explore their environment. They struggle to comprehend simple commands and when you give them a shape box they are unable to correctly find the space and manipulate the toy to be successful. they don't seem to have a hand dominance. Is this the level you should be working within?

What is 'no' level 1 and 2 because the child may need to continue working on their foundational systems while working toward body awareness and hand dominance


You are seeing a young man in your clinic who has depression and anxiety and is finding it difficult to find and maintain employment. He states that he is unable to tolerate wearing anything other than sweatpants and gets startled at loud spontaneous commands. Which type of sensory processing disorder is he showing signs of?

What is Sensory Modulation


You are working with a young client who is has had a traumatic upper extremity amputation.  He has since healed but is struggling to find a job. He wants to work but doesn't feel as though he is able to.  You create an intervention that focuses on exploring new work options and discuss what skills or environmental changes he may need to be successful in this new role. What model will you use and why?

What is MOHO (volition, habits/role, skills and environment)