Child Voting

___ cares more about my good __ ___ ___ ____

I , more then anyone else


Competence argument is?

children cannot engage in healthy civil discussion. They lack political awareness.


Is mill in favor of plural voting?


Explain Paternalism

1. Interfering with another persons actions, or ability to act.
2. against their will
3. for their own good

Who is Crito and what does he do?

Socrates Friend / tries to convince him to run away from his death sentence.


An action is ____ if it _______
Or ______ if it ______
(Hint : GHP)

morally good, increase happiness

Morally bad, decrease happy/ cause pain.


The Knowledge argument is?

Children don't know enough about political systems & significant political issues. Lack social awareness.


What is the essential element of a good gov

it improves the intelligence and overall character of its citizens


Name atleast two reasons to be Anti-Paternalism

1. impossible to do good for others, we smply dont know enough about them.
2. Good by force is outweighed by the negatives of coercion.
3. Autonomy is so important anything other than it doesnt matter.
4. Power = ez to abuse


What is the Gratitude argument?

Family did good for you
So you owe family gratitude
Gov did good for you
So you owe gov gratitude
you repay gov by obeying law
So you should obey the law


When, if ever, is it justified for power to be used on someone against their will?

When they are attempting to harm another


The more rights we give to children, the more we will treat them like adults. Children would vote to shorten the school day and more.

Harms to children's rights Argument.

What does mill say of the person with no vote?

"The person who has no vote, no political discussion, has no reason to care for political matters other than obeying the law.


What is the harm principle?

Only way power can rightfully be used against another is to prevent harm.


Consent Argument?

You must obey the law if you have promised to obey the law. If you dont consent then move


Only __ know whats best for me



Suffrage gives children the ability to harm adults. Parents wouldn't be able to parent their children

Harms to Adults


What would plural voting do for mill
*In relation of interaction between the two identified groups*

less educated people would come more commonly into contact with the educated in a teacher and student like relationship. Mill says it will bolster political discussion


Does mill think plural voting should exist?

Yes, he offers 3 arguments for it.


What are socrates 2 principles

you should never break a just agreement

you should never mistreat another person

What does Mill give as reason to reject restriction of behavior?

(speaking of a person under the harm principle) "His own independence is of right, absolute. Over himself, over his own body & mind, the individual is king. 


How many people are affected by Child and Youth voting laws in the U.S.

75 million.


Name the 3 objections to Mills Plural Voting

Beitz - Mills claim of protection from classes is classist in and of itself
Waldron - Plural Voting is equal to equal respect, insofar as everyone agrees upon common framework. Since that is not possible, it makes Beitz objection possible.
Estlund - more votes for the educated only promotes the spread of educated peoples virtues (nobody elses)


Where, if ever, is it acceptable for paternalistic regiments to exist?

*answer should apply the harm theory*


What is Humes objection and analogy?

IF you wake up on a boat and are given the choice to stay or jump, where if you stay you have consented to obey the captain, that is not a real choice as it is too difficult to make.