Med Administration
Medications for Pain
Medications for Infection

A patient asks the nurse if an enteric-coated tablet can be crushed and put in pudding to make it easier to swallow. How will the nurse respond to the patient? 

a. “Crushing the medication can change how the medication is absorbed and irritate your stomache.”

b. “Crushing the medication is safe and can prevent gagging on pills.” 

c. “The tablet may be done if a small amount of pudding is used.” 

d. “The tablet may be dissolved in liquid but not crushed and put in food.”

a. “Crushing the medication can change how the medication is absorbed and irritate your stomache.”


2. One of the most common distinctions of pain is whether it is acute or chronic. Which examples describe chronic pain? Select all that apply.

A) An adolescent is admitted to the hospital for an appendectomy.
B) A patient is experiencing a ruptured aneurysm.
C) A patient who has fibromyalgia requests pain medication
d) A patient has back pain related to an accident that occurred last year


Which of the following statements is true when educating clients about penicillin therapy? 

A) The client must take the medication at evenly spaced intervals
B) The client may save left over medication for a future illness
C) Clients taking oral contraceptives should be cautioned to use an alternate form of birth control while being treated with penicillin.
D) If signs of an allergic reaction, continue the medication and notify the physician

C) Clients taking oral contraceptives should be cautioned to use an alternate form of birth control while being treated with penicillin.


A client with hypotension is in the emergency department being evaluated. The client’s sodium level has come back at 148 mmol/L. What interventions by the nurse would be most appropriate? Select all that apply. 

A) Encourage the client to use incentive spirometry
B)Perform neurological assessments at least every 4 hours
C) Limit water intake
D) Limit oral intake of sodium



The doctor writes an order for a liquid oral medication. The order says to administer 15 mg by mouth every 4 hours as needed for sore throat. Pharmacy dispenses you with 30 mg/3ml. How many ml will you administer per dose? 

A. 0.5 mL/dose
B. 3 mL/dose
C. 1.5 mL/dose
D. 6 mL/dose

C) 1.5mL 


An RN just administered metoprolol to a patient whose blood pressure is 104/68, heart rate 72. After the patient takes the pill, the patient says "Wait, I don't think I take that medication. I think I take lopressor." What is the RNs best response? 

A) Notify the doctor of the medication error.

B) Verify the medication against the MAR.

C) Educate the patient that lopressor is the brand name for metoprolol

D) Monitor for adverse symptoms and notify charge nurse.

C) Educate the patient that lopressor is the brand name for metoprolol 


A client has overdosed on an unknown amount of a medication. The nurse knows that if the client responds to naxolone they have likely overdosed on which of the following? 

A) Benzodiazepines

B) Antidepressants

C) Opioids

D) Salicylates

C) Opioids


The physician orders a urine culture on your patient in room 5505 with a urinary tract infection. In addition, the patient is ordered to start IV Bactrim (Sulfamethoxazole/Trimethoprim). How will you proceed with following this order? 

A) First, hang the antibiotic, and then collect the urine culture.

B) First, hang the antibiotic and when the antibiotic is finished infusing collect the urine culture.

C) First, collect the urine culture, and then hang the antibiotic.

D) First, collect the urine culture and then hold the dose of the antibiotic until the urine culture is back from the lab.

C) First, collect the urine culture, and then hang the antibiotic


A nurse is caring for a client who had blood drawn for laboratory work. The client’s sodium level is 142 mEq/L. Which nursing intervention is most appropriate? 

A) Contact the provider for an order for vasopressin

B) Increase the IV rate to counteract the effects

C) Document the result and continue to monitor

D) Administer diphenhydramine as ordered



The physician orders Ativan 1mg po TID. The medication is available as Ativan 0.5mg per tablet. How many tablets should the nurse administer with each dose?

A) 0.5 tablet
B) 2 tablets
C) 1 tablet
D) 1.5 tablets

B) 2 tablets


A patient refuses to take the scheduled dose of colace (a stool softener) for the RN during morning medication pass. What is the nurse's best response?

A) Insist that the patient has to take the medication because the prescriber has ordered it two times a day.
B) Allow the patient to refuse and place the medication safely back into the patient's medication bin.
C) Educate to the patient that there has been no bowel movement documented in 3 days and it is necessary to take it.
D) Ask the patient why they do not want to take the medication

D) Ask the patient why they do not want to take the medication


The nurse is caring for a client who requires large amounts of opioids for pain control. The nurse will be most concerned about monitoring for which side effect? 

A) Physical dependency

B) Respiratory depression

C) Convulsions

D) Hypotension

B) Respiratory depression


A patient, who is having spasms and burning while urinating due to a UTI, is prescribed "Pyridium" (Phenazopyridine). Which option below is a normal side effect of this drug? 

A. Hematuria

B. Crystalluria

C. Urethra mucous

D. Orange colored urine

D. Orange colored urine


You are taking a patient's blood pressure manually. As you pump up the cuff above the systolic pressure for a few minutes you notice that the patient develop a carpal spasm. Which of the following is true?

 A. The patient is having a normal nervous response to an inflating blood pressure cuff that is inflated above the systolic pressure

B. This is known as Trousseau's Sign and is present in patients with HYPERcalcemia

C. This is known as Chvostek's Sign

D. This is known as Trousseau's Sign and is present in patients with hypocalcemia

D. This is known as Trousseau's Sign and is present in patients with hypocalcemia


The client is to receive Cefadroxil 100mg po q6h. The drug is available as Cefadroxil 250mg per 5ml. How many mls should the nurse administer with each dose?

A) 12.5 mLs
B) 2mLs
C) 2.5mLs
D) 5mLs

B) 2mLs


A buccal drug is administered by placing the medication in what part of the body? 

A)between the gums and cheek 
B) under the tongue
C) in the ears
D) in the eyes

A) between the gums and cheek 

The nurse is caring for a client who is recovering from a femur fracture. The client is able to ambulate but has refused to work with PT and OT for the past 2 days. The client is able to eat and the nurse has a provider order to transition the client from IV to oral pain medications. The client has requested 4 mg IV morphine and rest. What is the best response by the nurse? 

A)"The goal is to manage your pain to a point where you can get up and take care of yourself. Let's start oral pain medications and you can get out of bed once those are at their peak in about 45 minutes"

B) "I will be right back with your morphine"

C) "I think I will discuss starting a patient-controlled analgesic device (PCA) with the provider for better pain control. Get some rest while I make the phone call and I'll be back soon."

D)"You cannot stay in bed again today. You will never get home. I'll be back with your morphine soon but you're getting out of bed today"

A)"The goal is to manage your pain to a point where you can get up and take care of yourself. Let's start oral pain medications and you can get out of bed once those are at their peak in about 45 minutes"


During patient education regarding an oral macrolide such as erythromycin the nurse will include which information?
A. If GI upsets occur the drug will have to be stopped
B. the drug needs to be taken with an antacid to avoid GI problems
C. the patient needs to take each dose with a sip of water
D. the patient may take the drug with a small snack to reduce GI irritation

D) The patient may take the drug with a small snack to reduce GI irritation


Select all that apply: The nurse is reviewing the data on the client who has hypovolemia. The nurse should identify which of the following findings is a manifestation of hypovolemia? 

A) Hct 51%
B) Increased blood pressure
C) Decreased urine output
D)  Sodium 148

A, D, E


The patient weighs 165 lbs. What is the patient’s weight in kg?

A) 70kg
B) 82 kg
C) 75 kg
D) 90 kg

C) 75 kg


The physician orders all of the following drugs for a patient who had surgery 2 days ago. Which drug order does the nurse administer first? 

A) Benadryl (diphenhydramine) 25mg orally every 8 hours for itching
B) Synthroid (levothyroxine) 125mcg p.o. in in the morning for hypothyroidism
C) Compazine (prochlorperazine) 10mg p.o. stat for nausea/vomiting
D) oxycodone 5mg by mouth every 6 hours as needed for pain on scale 8-10.

C) Compazine (prochlorperazine) 10mg p.o. stat for nausea/vomiting


The nurse is preparing to discharge a client home with a prescription for ibuprofen. What should the nurse instruct as a common side effect of this medication? 

A) Gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding
B) Shakiness
C) Tremors
D) Rash 

A) Gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding


On your nursing care plan for a patient with a urinary tract infection, which of the following would be appropriate nursing interventions? SELECT-ALL-THAT-APPLY: 

  • A. Encourage voiding every 2-3 hours while awake.
  •  B. Restrict fluid intake to 1-2 liters per day.
  •  C. Monitor intake and output daily.
  •  D. The patient verbalizes the importance of using vaginal sprays to decrease reoccurrence of urinary tract infections prior to discharge home.



A nurse is performing an assessment on a patient who has hypovolemia due to vomiting and diarrhea. The nurse should expect to find which of the following. Select all that apply:

A) T. 101.4
B) HR 50
C) Orthostatic Hypotension
D) HR 116

A, C, D


The client is to receive Gantrisin 12.5mg/kg po q6h. The client weighs 44 lbs. How many mgs should the nurse administer with each dose?

A) 1,210 mg
B) 250 mg
C) 550mg
D) 50mg

B) 250mg