Test Skills 1
Test Skills 2
Test Skills 3
Test Skills 4
Study Skills
What is a good way to find out the answer to a multiple choice question?
Process of elimination

If you try to log into your computer to take a test, but your password doesn't work, who do you contact?

The Technology Service Desk (TSD) 

[ Call: 833.426.7457 ]

Is it okay to leave a one word answers in a short response quistion?
No, you should always use complete sentenses when answering a short response quistion.
What is a good way to study for a test or quiz?
Making index cards and reviewing them the night before the test or quiz.

If you're studying for a final exam and have a question about something, who do you contact?

The teacher of that class


Should you select the first multiple choice answer that you think is right without reading the other possible answers?

No, you should always read all choices before answering


If a true/false question has words like "never" or "always," what is the most likely answer to the question?

False. Answers are rarely absolute statements.

What is an object you should use other then index cards when studying
a text book

Where is the best place to take a test?

Somewhere quiet with no distractions

what should you bring on a reading test
a highliter

After you finish your test or exam, what should you do?

Look over all of the questions and answers


How should you write an essay?

with complete sentences and paragraphs

What is a good way to study
with a partner

What should you do on a short answer question?

Pull out key-words from the question to include them in your answer

What should you do on the morning of a big test?
You should have a full and healthy breakfast.

What should you do to make sure you don't misinterpret a question?

You should make a note of keywords in the question

if you skip a a question what should you do
write a note to yourself

What is a good way to study and improve your test-taking skills at the same time?

Have someone create a practice test for you.

What is a good way to start a test.
by taking a breather

what should you first do on a multiple-choice question

Answer it mentally without looking at the questions and see if it is similar to an answer

What should you do if there are two similar answers on a multiple choice question
eliminate them bolth

What shouldn't you do while studying?

Anything that distracts you!