what fruit is yellow, long, and originates in southeast asia?
what is a banana
What is the 7th month of the year?
what is july
what is 5'6' 1/2 feet tall
what is the 1st zodiac sign?
what is aries
what fruit, if you eat it once a day, keeps the doctor away?
what is an apple
which of these months is considered 'winter'?
a.December, January, and February
b.March, April, and May
c.June, July, and August
d.September, October, and November
what is 'a'
what is isa's birthday, and what zodiac sign does that correspond to?
what is july 28, 2005, and leo
what is the zodiac sign "gemini's sign?
what are the twins
what fruit is yellow, and shaped like something that takes up a lot of our solar system?
what is a starfruit
in which months does daylight savings occur?
a.june and august
b.march and november
c.december and april
d.october and may
what is 'b'
how many ear surgeries has isa had
what is 4
what are the signs labelled as 'earth signs'?\
a. aries, leo, sag
b. pisces, cancer, scorpio
c. aquarius, gemini, libra
d. taurus, capricorn, virgo
what is 'd'
what fruit is named after the 2nd color in the rainbow, and is round?
what is an orange
how many months are in a year
what is 12
what is isas ethnic identity?
filipino and white
what is the zodiac sign from june 21st to july 22nd?
what is cancer
what fruit is the national fruit of the Philippines?
what is a mango
what month does leap day occur in?
what is february
where does isa live
seattle wasington
what is the best zodiac sign?
what is leo