Main Idea
Context Clues

What is the Main Idea of a text?

What the text is mostly about or the big Idea. 


What does it mean to make an inference?

Making a conclusion similar to a prediction using information from the text. 


What are context clues?

Clues that help the reader figure out what a word means. 


What is theme?

The main lesson of the story or what the author wants you to learn. 


What is the main idea of the paragraph?

Eating healthy helps us grow strong and stay healthy. We can eat healthy by choosing foods that are good for us such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains. These foods give us important vitamins that we need so our body can function properly. By making healthy food choices we can take care of ourselves and make our bodies feel great! 

Eating healthy is important to our health. 


What can you infer about where Samantha's friend is?

Samantha walked into the classroom and looked at the empty desk next to hers. She noticed that the desk was cleaned out and there were no books or pencils in it. Samantha sighed and wondered where her friend could be.

Samantha's friend likely moved away since her desk was empty. 


Use context clues to figure out the meaning of this word.

The scientists gathered around a microscope. They peered through the eyepiece. They were studying a microbe  a tiny living organism that is invisible with the human eye. They could see its wiggling flagella which helped it move through its environment. 

 a tiny living organism that is invisible with the human eye


Sarah worked on her painting for months. At first it was not coming out the way she wanted it to. She wanted to quit but something inside her told her not to. She tried different techniques and finally after many long hours of work she completed her work. It was not perfect but she was proud of it. 

Never give up! 


What is the main idea of this paragraph?

Excersising keeps our bodies, and our hearts healthy. It can also improve our mood. We can excersise in many ways such as sports, going for a walk or run, or dancing. By excersising regularly we can stay healthy and feel great. 

Excerising is good for our health 


What can you infer about how Emily is feeling?

As the final seconds of the game ticked away, Emily dribbled the ball down the court. She knew that she was their only hope for winning the championship. She took a deep breath and went for the shot. The ball soared through the air and through the net just as the buzzer sounded. 

Emily was happy cause she scored!


Use context clues to determine the meaning of the word 

Anna's family was having a backyard picnic. Anna noticed that the hotdog she was eating had a burnt exterior but it still tasted good on the inside. 

exterior means the outside of something. 


As Yazmin walked to school she found a wallet with an ID, money and credit cards in it. She thought about keeping it but  She took the wallet to the lost and found so who ever lost it can go look for it. 



What is the main idea of the paragraph?

Taking care of our planet is important! Our planet is our home and we need to make sure to keep it clean. We can do this by reducing the amount of plastic we use, recycle and conserve energy. By taking care of our planet we make sure it stays beautiful for years to come. 

Taking care of the planet is important. 


What can you infer about how Sophie is feeling?

Sophie was sitting on the couch, watching a movie with her family. She was cuddled up under a blanket and she could feel her eyelids getting heavy. She yawned and stretched her arms and then snuggled back down onto the soft cushions. 

sophie is feeling tired. 


Taylor ran a marathon. She ran 26 miles of hilly terrain. She was not used to running on this type of landscape so she trained for months. 

Terrain is a type of land. 


The basketball team all worked hard to contribute to winning the game! The captain and the team members all practiced for weeks on end. They ended up winning the championship.

What is the theme?



What is the main idea of this paragraph?

The ocean is full of fascinating creatures and mysterious depths. Exploring the vastness of the ocean can reveal a plethora of secrets and undiscovered life forms. The constantly changing tides and currents make it a dynamic environment that never ceases to amaze us. Despite the dangers of the deep ocean, many scientists still push through the boundaries of what we know the ocean to be. 

The ocean is filled with fascinating creatures and mysterious depths. 


What can you infer about how Jessica is feeling?

Jessica woke up in the morning. She knew today was the day. She got dressed and put on her uniform. She has a big test to take as soon as she gets to school. As she grabs her backpack she feels her palms sweat.

Jessica is nervous.


The artist used a variety of hues to paint the sunset. She blended shades of pink, red and purple. She mixed the colors to make the perfect combo. 

Hues means different colors or shades. 


Valentina was walking alone at night and the wind was howling.  She had to cross the woods to get home but she was afraid. However she had her phone and flashlight in case of emergency. She took a deep breath and decided she was determined to make it home.  
