Academic Vocab
Figurative Language
Theme Through Disney Movies
Test Taking Strategies
What is the definition of central idea? What are two synonyms for central idea?
What is The main points an author has to say about a topic. Synonyms: main idea and gist
Her hair was as yellow as the sun. What am I?
What is a simile.
What is theme?
What is the message or lesson learned in a story.
What are the two things you need in order to make an inference?
What is schema (background knowledge) and textual evidence.
List three things you should do before you read a text.
What is make a prediction, number the paragraphs, scan the text, read the questions, etc.
What is the definition of analyze?
What is to carefully examine the parts of something.
"Baby, you're a firework!" said Katy Perry. What am I?
What is a metaphor.
What is one theme of the Disney movie "The Lion king?"
What is overcoming your past, believing in yourself to succeed, listen to your elders, good vs. evil, etc.
Ms. Comproski stormed into class, threw her bag behind her desk and stomped over to her computer. What can you infer about her mood? Use textual evidence to explain your answer.
What is she is mad/angry. Textual evidence: stormed, throwing, stomping.
List three strategies you should use while you are reading a text.
What is chunk paragraphs, gist statements, box/circle unknown words, use context clues to determine the meaning of unknown words, etc.
What is the definition of Illustrate?
What is to make clear with examples.
I have a million things to do today. What am I?
What is a hyperbole.
What is one theme of the Disney movie "Frozen?"
What is putting others before yourself, accepting your flaws, valuing family, etc.
Your friend didn't talk to you that much in school today and now she isn't returning any of your texts. What can you infer about her mood? Use textual evidence to explain your answer.
What is she is in a bad mood or upset with you. Textual evidence: didn't talk much at school, isn't returning your texts.
What are some strategies you should use when answering multiple choice questions?
What is eliminating answers that don't make sense, going back to the text for evidence, pick the BEST answer, etc.
What does it mean if a question uses the term "most likely?"
What is To determine the best answer based on information given and/or what you already know.
The rain danced down the window. What am I?
What is personification.
What is the theme of the Disney movie "Finding Nemo?"
What is valuing family, valuing friendships, overcoming obstacles in life, protecting people can sometimes push them away, etc.
Sally got her science test back and quickly shoved in her binder. She wouldn't make eye contact with her peers but she did participate in class. What can you infer about her feelings toward her test grade? Use textual evidence to explain your answer.
What is she is upset about her grade. Textual evidence: quickly shoved her test in her binder, didn't make eye contact with her peers. What is she is happy about her grade but doesn't want to brag. Textual evidence: quickly shoved her test in her binder, participated in class.
What do you need to do for the "This shows" section of RFTITC?
What is make an inference based on the text and your background knowledge. Elaborate/Analyze your thoughts about the example given.
What does the term "suggest" mean?
What is to put forward for consideration/state or express indirectly.
Sally sells sea shells by the sea shore.
What is alliteration.
What is one theme of the Disney movie "Cinderella?"
What is don't change who you are to please others, good things come to those who wait, true love exists, don't always believe what others say about you, etc.
What can we infer Justin Bieber's new song "Love Yourself" is about? "My momma don't like you and she likes everyone And I never like to admit that I was wrong I've been so caught up in my job, couldn't see what's goin on, but now I know I'm better sleeping on my own Cos' if you like the way you look that much, then maybe you should go and love yourself." "When you told me that you hated my friends, the only problem was with you and not them."
What is his mom didn't like his girlfriend, he is over his girlfriend, his girlfriend is self-centered, his girlfriend didn't like his friends, his girlfriend was jealous and couldn't get along with people, etc.
Why should you never get a 0 on a written response?
What is because restating the question automatically gives you a 1 point response. The only way you can get a 0 is if you write nothing or if you write something completely off topic.