Advanced Fractions
Fractions and Decimals
Mixed Word Problems
Solve the following problem and put your answer in SIMPLEST terms: 5/6 - 1/6 =
Write two equivalent fractions for the decimal 0.9?
9/10 and 90/100
Which two shapes must always have 4 right angles?
rectangle and square
Dennis wants to buy carpet for the rectangular floor of his living room. The room is 12 feet long and 16 feet wide. What is the area, in square feet, of the living room floor?
192 square feet
Jennie makes quilts. She can make 7 quilts with 21 yards of material. How many yards of material would be required to make 12 quilts?
36 yards
Carla's younger sister is 4 1/3 feet tall. Carla's brother is 6 feet tall. How much shorter is Carla's sister than her brother?
1 and 2/3
Enter a decimal equivalent to 2 5/100.
An obtuse triangle must have:
one angle that is greater than 90 degrees
How much fencing is needed for a rectangular garden that is 10 feet by 14 feet?
48 feet
On Thursday the Meat King Market sold 210 pounds of ground beef. On Friday they sold twice that amount. On Saturday they only sold 130 pounds. How much more meat did they sell on Friday than Saturday?
290 pounds
Byron bought 3 3/4 yards of fabric to make covers for his lizard cages. Then his friend gave him 3/4 of a yard of fabric. How many yards of fabric does Byron still have now?
4 1/2 yards
Enter the symbol (<, >, or =) that goes inbetween the decimals. 7.10 ______ 7.1
One side of a rectangle is 6 inches long. Another side of the rectangle is 11 inches long. What are the lengths of the other 2 sides of the rectangle?
6 and 11 inches
A straight line is drawn and divided into two angles. One angle is 45°. What is the measurement of the unknown angle?
Summer day camp is about to begin. Today there are 132 boys signed up and 219 total children signed up. How many more boys than girls are signed up for camp?
45 more boys
Write 38/7 as a mixed number.
5 3/7
Solve. 19/100 + 5/10
What are the attributes that make a trapezoid?
4 sides one set of parallel sides
Angle is 1/8 of the circle. Enter the measure, in degrees.
45 degrees
Vanessa was trying to save up $413. At her job she made $9 an hour and she worked 40 hours a week. After paying for her food and other expenditures she ended up only saving 1/9 of her weeks earnings. How much money did she save up each week?
Solve and simplify. 7 2/9 + 3 1/9
10 1/3
Mary Beth has a bag of 3 different types of candies. candies that have nuts: 59/100 candies that have caramel: 2/10 The rest of the candies in the bag have chocolate. What fraction of the candies in Mary Beth’s bag have either nuts or caramel?
Justin drew a triangle with a 137 degree angle, 17 degree angle, and a 26 degree angle. The sides of his triangle are 39 centimeters, 17 centimeters, and 26 centimeters long. What type of triangle did Justin draw?
obtuse and scalene
The perimeter of the rectangle is 88 feet. The width is 28 feet. What is the length, in feet, of the sides?
16 feet
Jasmine wants to organize her books in order of most number of pages to least number of pages. Jasmine's longest book has 396 pages and her shortest book has one-fourth as many pages as the longest. If the book in the middle of her shelf has three times the number of pages of the shortest book, then how many pages does the middle book have?
297 pages