Literary Devices
Elements of Plot
What is the difference between a simile and a metaphor
A simile compares two things while using "like" or "as". A metaphor compares two things without using "like" or "as".
What is the difference between fiction and nonfiction writing?
Fiction writing is fake or made-up writing; Nonfiction writing is true.
What is the climax of the story?
turning point; most exciting portion where the character is forever changed
Explain the following idiom: Kill two birds with one stone
This idiom means, to accomplish two different things at the same time.
What is the definition of an inference?
An inference is an educated guess.
What is the definition of a hyperbole?
An extreme exaggeration
What does poetry always contain?
What is included in the exposition of a story?
The exposition explains the setting and background information of the character.
Explain what the following idiom means. " Beat around the bush"
Avoiding the main topic. Not speaking directly about the issue.
One of the rarest animals in the world is the okapi. They live in the rain forest in Central Africa. Few people have seen one alive. Every few years someone claims to see one, but they never have proof. A few years ago, some scientists who were studying plants found a skeleton, teeth and some skin in a remote area of the rain forest. They were excited, as they believed they had found the remains of a rare okapi. They drew a picture of what they thought the animal might have looked like when it was alive. The scientists then sent the picture along with the skeleton, teeth and skin to a scientific institution in Dallas, Texas. 1. What did the scientists probably do with the skeleton, teeth and bones? A: Sent them to a place with more experienced scientists. B: Kept them for souvenirs C: Studied them carefully and compared them to other animals D: Sold them to museums that displayed them
A: Sent them to a place with more experienced scientists.
What literary device is this an example of? "The rustling leaves kept me awake."
What is folklore? A. True stories B. Stories that have been passed down orally throughout different generations. C. Stories that deal with the beauty of language D. Made-up stories that were written recently
B. Stories that have been passed down orally throughout different generations.
What is the order of plot in a story?
Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution
Complete the following analogy: Spoke is to wheel as wheel is to _____. A: transportation B: ride C: pavement D: bike
D: bike
Marissa had never really liked football, but her friends all wanted to go to the game. So, she reluctantly told Taylor over the phone that she would go. Marissa was putting on jeans and a sweatshirt when her Dad called out, “Hey, ‘Rissa, one of your favorite movies is coming on tonight!” Bummer, thought Marissa, as she put on her shoes. Just then, she heard a crack of thunder and the pitter patter of raindrops. With her shoe still in her hand, she redialed Taylor’s number. What do you infer that Marissa will say to Taylor when she answers the phone? Use at least one detail from the passage
Marissa will tell Taylor that she is not coming to the game due to the bad weather.
What literary device is this an example of? “The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew, The furrow followed free; We were the first that ever burst Into that silent sea.”
Alliteration; (“b”, “f” and “s”) in the phrases “breeze blew”, “foam flew”, “furrow followed”, and “silent sea”.
What are two characteristics of drama?
Dramas are written in dialogue; contain stage directions; meant to be performed; sub-genres are comedy or tragedy
What is the difference between the protagonist and antagonist in a story?
The protagonist is the main character. The antagonist is the problem-causer for the main character.
Complete the following analogy: Child is to family as student is to _____. A: class B: teacher C: parents D: school
A: class
I quickly packed my suitcase. I tossed in a change of clothes, a toothbrush, and a hairbrush. Glancing at my watch, I zipped the suitcase and walked to the front door. After I shut the window blinds, I pulled a heavy coat from the closet. Based on information in the passage, what is a reasonable inference to make about the narrator’s plans? Be specific
The narrator is probably taking a short overnight trip where the weather is cool. (The narrator grabbed a coat and is packing a suitcase but with only one change of clothes.) The narrator may have not had much advance notice since the narrator seems rushed. (The narrator is packing quickly.)
What literary device is used in the passage? "He says, you have to study and learn so that you can make up your own mind about history and everything else but you can’t make up an empty mind. Stock your mind, stock your mind. You might be poor, your shoes might be broken, but your mind is a palace." A. Simile B. Hyperbole C. Alliteration D. Metaphor
D. Metaphor
List the five genres.
Fiction, Nonfiction, Drama, Poetry, and Folklore
All Victor ever wanted to do with his life was be a singer. He didn't pay attention in school and he spent all of his time at home watching music videos online and impersonating his idols. His mother tried to teach him the value of getting an education and having a backup plan, but Victor would respond the same way every time, "Mom, I won't need to know any of that boring old stuff when I'm famous. You'll see." But there was one major problem with Victor's plan: he wasn't any good at singing. Victor wanted to be a singer so badly, that he didn't notice the pained look on the faces of those who endured his singing. Because he wanted to be a singer so badly, when honest people told him to find something else to do with his life, he accused them of being "jealous haters" and ignored their advice. After Victor dropped out of high school to focus on his music career, the years passed and the doors never opened. What is the theme of this story?
Answers will vary:have a back up plan, don't put all of your eggs in one basket, sometimes you should listen to other's advice, etc.
List five examples of idioms.
That was a piece of cake; hit the road; it is raining cats and dogs; break a leg; two peas in a pod; etc.
"Screech! Karen stomped on the gas pedal the moment the light turned green. She looked over her left shoulder and zigged past a semi-truck. She zoomed ahead and looked over her right shoulder and then zagged past a motorbike. She glanced at the clock on the console and darted into the parking lot. Whipping into a parking spot, she grabbed her suitcase and ran through the lot, up the escalator, and into the terminal. Her heavy suitcase was bumping and bouncing the whole way. Just as she entered the terminal, she heard an announcement over the loudspeaker, "Final boarding call for flight 205 to JFK..." Karen looked at her ticket and then at the line to get through the security checkpoint, which wrapped around several turnstiles and slithered like a lethargic snake. Karen sighed and then slowly walked to the customer service desk." Why does Karen start walking slowly at the end of the passage? How do you know?
Karen realizes that she will not make her flight. I know this because a final boarding call for a flight was made and she looks at the really long line. After seeing the length of the security line, she realizes that she won't make her flight and she quits trying.