Diversity SMJ
Fed Question SMJ
Supplemental SMJ

4 types of Diversity of citizenship 

(1) Different states 

(2) State v. Foreigner 

(3) different states with foreigners as additional parties 

(4) Foreign country v US citizen 

What is Federal Question jurisdiction and what had the original test behind it? 
Does the claim have a federal question within it so that it can be in federal court? 

Osborn v. Bank introduced us to the ingredient test - If the claim has any federal aspect them its a fed question 


What case is best for Supplemental? 

UMW v. Gibbs 


What is snap removal 

One D can remove if the others haven't been served yet


Ways to get venue 1391 

Any defendant resides if all D are from that state 

A substantial part of events happened in that state

If 1 and 2 don't apply, then any district in which they are subject to the courts PJ.


Mas v. Perry 

Helped with determining domicile

Domicile - true ,fixed, and permanent home and principal establishment, and to which he has the intention of returning wherever he is absent therefrom 

Change of domicile test 

(1) take up residency in a different location 

(2) intention to remain there (for the foreseeable future)


What is the well-pleaded test? What case? 

L&N R. v. Mottley 

Federal ingredient has to be apart of the plaintiffs cause of action. Cannot be in the Defense. 


Can a court exercise Supplemental? 

(1) Is there at least one federal claim in the lawsuit 

(2) Do the state and federal claims share a common nucleus of operative facts? (Evidence and witnesses will be the same?) 

When would you want to remove? 
You want to bring a suit from a state court to its overarching federal court 

What is the significance of Bates v. C&S adjusters? 

Shows us the meaning or an example of substantial events 


1332: AIC 

Legal certainty - Defendant can show you with legal certainty that the plaintiff can't recover that amount 

(1) given the facts and damages they do not add up

(2) Look for damage caps 

AFA Tours is the example 

What is the creation test? 

Harms creation test

Who created the law that you sued under? state or federal? 


Should they exercise Supplemental? 

(1) Novel question? 

(2) Has the federal claim been dismissed? 

(3) Do state issues in the case substantially predominant? 

(4) Other? Jury confusion? 


Removal Checklist 

- Could the case originally been filed in FC? (SMJ)

- Remove the case to the overlapping court

- Do all D consent? 

- Was the case removed within 30 days since the last D was served? 

- Make sure to move the whole case. 


If removal is vertical, what is change of venue?

Horizontal. From federal court to another federal court 


Rules of Aggregation  

Can take all of the amounts and add them together if it is one plaintiff vs one defendant. 

Can add attorneys fees if: (1) Statute says (2) contract says 

Interests and court costs cannot be added 


If Federal law created it, does it pass the Shoshone test? 

Shoshone test - If there is a local custom rule within that state, then it is reverted back to a state claim .

If not, then it is a federal question 


Why would you want to use Supplemental Jurisdiction? 

to stack your state claim with your federal claim to hear them at once 

If mixed case 


Diversity-based removal 

1 year time limit for docket reasons 

If removal is solely based on diversity, single D rule 


Change of venue steps under 1404

Is this case presently in FC? If no, do all parties consent? 

If yes, would transfer be convenient to witness and parties? 

Would it be in the interest of justice? 

Could the case have been Brough originally to new court? (PJ and venue in new court? 

Check out Hoffman v. Blaski 


Exclusive Jurisdiction 

Concurrent Jurisdiction 

Exclusive- They don't have a choice between filing in either state or federal court 

Concurrent - Plaintiff has a choice in which one to file in 


If it is state law, then you would go through the grable test. What is that? 

Grable Test

(1) Does the state-law claim necessary raise a stated fed. issue? 

(2) Is the federal issue in dispute? 

(3) Is the federal issue Substantial? (No minor issues in case, would make grave difference) 

(4) Will the flood gates be opened? (Usually a depends) 


Forum Non-Convenience 

Change of venue can happen at any point in the lawsuit. 

Forum Non-convenience: Rather then trying to transfer the case, you try to get it dismissed 

Usually only appropriate if there is a substantial alternative