What is TRICARE?
Provided Medical insurance for people who have served in the military.
when do you start to take BP in children?
3 years old
what are splinter forceps used for?
removes foreign objects
What does CLIA stand for and what do they do?
Clinical Laboratory Improvements Amendments of 1988. Regulates laboratory testing.
No Known Drug Allergies
what is a Copayment?
the fixed amount of money that the patient is required to pay each time he/ she is being seen at the medical office.
what is the vertex?
the top of the body's head
what is surgical asepsis?
practice that keeps all objects and areas sterile, or free from all living microorganisms and spores.
shortness of breath
What is Wave Scheduling?
when you schedule 3 or 4 patients every hour and they are seen in the order in which they arrive. (first come first served)
whats the needle length and gauge for an intramuscular injection on a child?
5/8-1 inch
22-25 gauge
what is serous drainage?
consistis in serum, which is a clear portion of blood, clear and watery looking
Whats the Birthday Rule?
when the insurance belongs to the parent whose birthday comes first in the year.
what the difference between absortable and nonabsorbable sutures.
absorbable sutures: made of material that is digested and absorbed by the body by 7 days- several months.
Nonabsorbable sutures: not absorbed by the body, made from slik, nylon, polyester.
What is the difference between Social History, Family History, and Past History?
Family History: the review of health status of the patients blood relatives. EX; Diabetes
Social History: The Review of Patients lifestyle, such as; eating habits, living, and environmental habits.
Past History: The review of the patients past medical status.
what is a sebaceous cyst
thin closed sac or capsule located under the surface of skin forms when oil gland becomes obstructed.