Total Joint Commission
What the what
All wounds heal
I need some closure
When doffing a mask, this is the only part that should be touched



The cuffs of a sterile gown are always considered sterile

False; once the hands have moved through the cuff they are no longer sterile


An anesthesia provider is seen wearing a fabric-covered stethoscope in the OR. What are your concerns?

Fabric coverings cannot be worn in the OR.

Stethoscopes should not be worn around the neck


Why would a delayed primary closure be utilized?

Monitor infection or tissue death, wound packing, allow for assessment of wound


What is 'knot tensile strength?'

The force a the suture strand can withstand before it breaks when knotted


After surgical hand antisepsis, hands and arms must be dried thoroughly to prevent this

Strike through

What is a fenestrated drape?

A drape with an opening to expose specific anatomy for incision 


You see someone in surgical attire walking around the department but they are not wearing a badge and they do not seem to know where they are going. What actions do you take?

Escalate through your chain of command

Offer to assist this person by bringing them to the main desk for assistance


How long does the remodeling phase take?

Starts at 21 days after incision and may take up to 2 years 

Considerations with natural absorbable suture

Packed with fluid, will dry out if opened too early

Irritating for ophthalmic surgery, should be rinsed



The goal of aseptic technique are what 3 things?

Optimized wound healing, minimizing length of recovery from surgery, infection prevention


What is an apature drape?

Adhesive plastic sheeting with a fenestration 


Upon entering your surgical suite in the morning you notice the room feels balmy. The humidity reads 65%. What actions do you take?

Notify charge RN and team of possible room delays

Contact facilities to have them adjust humidity. Discuss with them reducing room temperature to assist in fix


3 phase of wound healing 

1. Inflammation phase

2. Proliferation phase

3. Remodeling phase 


How long does it take a synthetic absorbable suture to absorb?

3 weeks to 6 months 


What medication is given in the event of local anesthetic systemic toxicity?

20% lipids


Define PNDS

Perioperative Nursing Data Set 


You go to grab a wrapped instrument pan from SPD and notice dust gathered on it, likely form recent construction. Can this pan be utilized? 

No, it should be considered contaminated


Name 4 factors that affect wound healing 

Hemostasis, hypothermia, tissue handling, maintenance of sterile technique, stress on wound after surgery, etc.


Hair should be clipped in area of incision

False, only if it will interfere with procedure or closure

What are the goals of surgical skin antisepsis?

1. to remove soil and transient microorganisms form the skin

2. to reduce the resident microbial count to below pathogenic levels in a short period of time with the least amount of tissue irritation

3. to inhibit rapid rebound growth of microorganisms


What two types of microorganisms reside in the two layers of skin?

Transient bacteria and resident microorganisms 


Skin can be sterilized



Name the 5 steps your body takes in wound healing to prevent infection

1. Hemostasis

2. Clean up pathogens/debris in wound

3. Seal the wound against infection

4. Regenerate the natural epidermal covering

5. Repair deeper tissue damage


Characteristics of antimicrobial agents used in surgical skin antisepsis 

1. broad spectrum

2. high log reduction capability

3. persistent 

4. Nonirritating

5. Nontoxic

6. Fast acting