What is Pavlov's experiment?
Associating the ring of a bell with food to a point that the bell alone can trigger the food response.
What is trial and error?
Trying every combination without any order until you get to the right answer
What is the theory of multiple intelligences?
There is more than one way to be smart including social skills, musical ability, introspection, etc.
What is chunking in memory conversion?
Breaking up the information into smaller pieces that can be better understood/memorized.
Give an example of positive punishment.
Painful stimulation.
Why does framing matter?
Because the way that something is framed changes our perception of it.
What is the difference between fluid and crystallized intelligence?
Fluid means that you are more able to adapt and change while crystalized correlates to objective understanding.
What does IQ measure?
Aptitude (practical wisdom)
What are three examples of the kinds of things we are good at remembering?
Things we pay attention to, stuff we're interested in, big emotional connections, confirmation bias, and things we rehearse.
What does Wernicke’s aphasia result in?
Impaired Language Understanding
Reliable because you'll tend to get the same score over time.
What is the difference between an algorithm and a heuristic?
An algorithm will go through every possible answer and a heuristic will use processing to only try the best guesses.
Where are explicit memories processed?
What is the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis?
Language changes the way that we think about certain things
What factors can effect IQ score?
Poverty, Genetics, Nutrition, Home Life, School Life, etc.
What is the Knowledge Illiuson?
Knowledge within a community builds up over