The value of the 5 in 4,587
What is 500?
196 rounded to the nearest hundred
What is 200?
List 11,521, 14,783, and 13,985 from least to greatest
What is 11,521, 13,985, 14,783?
The sum of 324,567 and 34,762
What is 359,329?
The number 14,687 in word form
What is fourteen thousand six hundred eighty-seven?
The value of the 9 in 98,520
What is 90,000?
6,325 rounded to the nearest thousand
What is 6,000?
386,981 is ______________ 386,898
What is greater than?
The sum of 198,254 and 365,862
What is 564,116?
How many more steps Layla walked on Sunday
Layla walks 2,689 steps on Saturday and 4,008 steps on Sunday
What is 1,319?
The value of the 8 and the 6 in 893,160
What is 800,000 and 60?
A number that rounds to 134,000 when rounded to the nearest thousand
What is ___________? (teacher will check)
4.20 is ___________ 4.2 and 12.7 is _________ 1.27
What is equal to and greater than?
The difference between 827,419 and 80,125
What is 747,294?
The number 648,921 in word form and expanded form
What is six hundred forty-eight thousand nine hundred twenty-one and 600,000 + 40,000 + 8,000 + 900 + 20 + 1
The value of the 2 in 142,450 is _______ times ______ than the value of the 2 in 275,395
What is one hundred and less?
638,987 to the nearest ten and ten thousand
What is 638,990 and 640,000?
954,216, 944,216, 956,789, and 956,879 in order from least to greatest
What is 944,216, 954,216, 956,789, 956,879?
The sum of 189,415, 65,413 and 284,714
What is 539,542?
The distance between Salt Lake City and New York.
Boston and New York City are 325 miles apart. The distance from New York City to Salt Lake City is ten times as far.
What is 3,250 miles?
A number where the value of the 9 is ten times greater than the value of the 9 in 19,481
What is any number with a 9 in the ten-thousands place?
287,164 rounded to the nearest hundred-thousand, ten-thousand, thousand, and hundred
What is 300,000, 290,000, 287,000, and 287,200?
All of the expressions that are equivalent to 40/100
A- 4/10
B- 0.04
C- 2/10 + 3/10 + 7/10
D- 0.40
E- 3/10 + 10/100
F- 0.44
What is A (4/10), D (0.40) and E (3/10 + 10/100)?
The difference between 450,021 and 136,887
What is 313,134?
The number of students a school in California needs to have 1,000,000 students.
Current enrollment: 984,462
What is 15,538?