sun's energy
greenhouse effect
take a chance
Most of the sun's radiation that reaches earth is this type of electromagnetic energy.
What is visible light?
This is the name for the layer of the atmosphere closest to earth.
What is the troposphere.
The sun's energy that reaches the surface of the earth contributes to warming in this way. (EXPLANATION please.)
What is: visible, or relatively shorter waves are absorbed by earth's surface. Light energy warms these surfaces. Warm surfaces radiate Infra-red energy outward. Greenhouse gases absorb these waves, and RE-RADIATE SOME of the heat back toward earth. (These gases radiate heat in all directions. Some away, some to other gas particles in the atmosphere, some back to earth
This describes how ice cores can tell climatologists about the atmosphere on earth thousands of years ago.
What is trapped air (bubbles)---containing gases and particles?
This is the meaning of ALBEDO.
What is the percentage of light reflected (by the earth's surface"?
This is the fate of most infrared energy that radiates from the sun toward the earth.
What is being absorbed by water vapor and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere? or... what is not reaching the surface of the earth?
This is the densest layer of the atmosphere--the layer with most molecules and highest air pressure.
What is the troposphere?
These greenhouse gases are the three most abundant ones in the atmosphere.
What are water vapor, H2O, methane, CH4, and carbon dioxide, CO2?
From the video last week: Professor Keeley recorded this information at Mauna Loa, Hawaii, starting in 1957. His data forms the famous "Keeley Curve".
What is CO2 data?
As some of you observed in lab last week, this type of surface has a relatively high albedo.
What is ice, or white colored regions of the earth. Dark regions have low albedo, or a tendency not to reflect visible light.
These are the two shortest wavelength categories of electromagnetic energy.
What are gamma radiation and X-rays?
The stratosphere is home to this layer of ultra-violet energy absorbing gas.
What is ozone?
Anthropogenic means......, and examples of three greenhouse gases (names and formulas) that are both naturally occurring and anthropogenic are.....
What is generated by man? CO2, methane (CH4), and O3 (ozone), and Nitrogen oxides.....
Proxy data is _______, and is used by climate scientists for this reason.
Proxy is indirect data from which inferences can be made. It is used for learning about the past. No direct measurements can be made of such climate variables as daily temperatures, gases in the atmosphere, amount of rain....
The original source of all energy on our planet is...., and the energy reaches our planet by this kind of heat energy transfer.
What is the sun, of course..., and what is RADIATION: movement of heat energy in all directions from a warm object, through space, in straight lines. This is the only type of heat energy transfer that does not need material....or matter for transfer.
Greenhouse gases block relatively long/short wavelengths of electromagnetic energy most effectively.
What is relatively long wavelengths. Short wavelengths that make it as far as our troposphere can penetrate to earth. Infrared is longer wavelength than visible light.
These are three kinds of electromagnetic energy that are absorbed before they reach the lower atmosphere.
What are gamma, X-ray, and ultraviolet light?
These greenhouse gases were banned (international treaty, 2000) and are no longer causing this problem to become worse....
What are CFC's, chloro-fluoro hydrocarbons?
Data showing increased sulfur aerosol levels (particulates) in the atmosphere starting from the 1950's through the 1970's corresponds to this global temperature trend.
What is relative cooling?
The gas, H2, hydrogen, can/cannot trap infra-red energy, based on this definition of a "green house gas".
What is cannot, and what is a substance made of molecules with at least three atoms (hydrogen has just two, like oxygen and nitrogen that are also not greenhouse gases).
The longest waves of the electromagnetic spectrum, radio waves, are also the highest/lowest energy radiation.
What is the lowest (longest wave, lowest energy. shortest wave, highest energy)
These two gases names and formulas, comprise 98% of all molecules in earth's atmosphere.
What are Oxygen, O2, and Nitrogen, N2?
The atmosphere of Venus is dense and made of 98% _________, resulting in this type of climate.
What is 98% CO2, and a very very hot "climate".
Annual changes in this measurement show that the earth's forests actually "breathe" in a seasonal pattern.
What is global atmopsheric CO2 level?
This is the order of seven types of energy that form the electromagnetic spectrum, from lowest energy, to highest, in order.
What is radio, micro, infra-red, visible, ultraviolet, X-ray, and gamma radiation? (visible lowest: red orange yellow green blue violet: highest)