What does Mikhail do?
control the weather
What does Al-Basir mean?
The All-seeing
what is shirk?
worshipping something else along with allah
What does Izrael do?
angel of death
What does As-Sami mean?
The all-hearing
examples of shirk?
pray to statues, pray to the sun, pray to fire, kings and queens or to believe that something else has the power to bring rain
What do Kiramun Katibin do?
write down your good and bad deeds on your shoulder
What does Al-Ahd mean?
the one
what is the one place allah can never hear you or see you?
allah can see and hear you everywhere
What does Israfil do?
blow the trumpet signaling the day of judgement
What does al-hafiz mean?
the protector
what did angel jibrail do?
revealed the quran to the prophet?
What do Munkar and Nakir do?
ask you questions in the grave?
Bonus- what does ar-rahman mean?
most merciful
for the dua we are learning when should we use it?
when we lose something or when someone passes away