Harrison Bergeron
Fahrenheit 451 Part One
The Refusal
  • Which of the following IS NOT a way that characters are handicapped in the story?
    • Masks
    • Earphones
    • Fat suits
    • False teeth

Fat suits

  • What question haunts Montag because neither he nor his wife can remember the answer?
    • How many children did Montag and his wife have?
    • How many fires has Montag started
    • How many books does Montag have hidden in the vent?
    • Where did Montag and his wife meet?

Where did Montag and his wife meet?

  • Which of these inferences about the soldiers is best supported by the passage: 
  • A soldier, for example, enters a shop, buys some trifling object, and stays there leaning against the counter; he listens to the conversations, probably does not understand them, and yet gives the impression of understanding; he himself does not say a word, just stares blankly at the speaker, then back at the listeners, all the while keeping his hand on the hilt of the long knife in his belt. This is revolting, one loses the desire to talk, the customers start leaving the shop, and only when it is quite empty does the soldier also leave. Thus wherever the soldiers appear, our lively people grow silent. That's what happened this time, too. As on
    all solemn occasions the colonel stood upright, holding in front of him two poles of bamboo in his outstretched hands. This is an ancient custom implying more or less that he supports the law, and the law supports him.

    • The soldiers act as spies who bring back incriminating information to the capital.
    • The presence of soldiers in the small town intimidates its inhabitants.
    • The soldiers exercise violence on the citizens of the town.
    • The soldiers enjoy a calm, welcoming relationship with the villagers.

The presence of soldiers in the small town intimidates its inhabitants.

  • What are the Seashells?
    • small shell-shaped devices that allow the government to monitor them
    • tiny transistor radio ear plugs
    • interactive remotes that allow the viewers to participate in the tv programming
    • mini sleep lozenges that melt on the tongue

tiny transistor radio ear plugs

  • Which of these sentences from the text most strongly supports the correct answer:
  • "The presence of soldiers in the small town intimidates its inhabitants."
    • “A soldier, for example, enters a shop, buys some trifling object, and stays there leaning against the counter…”
    • “... all while keeping his hand on the hilt of the long knife in his belt.”
    • “This is revolting, one loses the desire to talk, the customers start leaving the shop…”
    • “... and only when it is quite empty does the soldier also leave…”

“This is revolting, one loses the desire to talk, the customers start leaving the shop…”

  • What does Mildred tell Montag has happened to Clarisse?
    • she was run over by a car
    • she was seized by the government for mutiny
    • she ran away
    • she was burned by the firemen while defending her hidden books

she was run over by a car

  • Which of these inferences about the refusal is best supported by the passage: 
  • In all important matters, however, the citizens can always count on a refusal. And now the strange fact is that without this refusal one simply cannot get along, yet at the same time these official occasions designed
    to receive the refusal are by no means a formality. Time after time one goes there full of expectation and in all seriousness and then one returns, if not exactly strengthened or happy, nevertheless not disappointed or tired. About these things I do not have to ask the opinion of anyone else, I feel them in myself, as everyone does; nor do I have any great desire to find out how these things are connected. As a matter of fact, there is, so far as my observations go, a certain age group that is not content—these are
    the young people roughly between seventeen and twenty. Quite young fellows, in fact, who are utterly incapable of foreseeing the consequences of even the least significant, far less a revolutionary, idea. And it is among just them that discontent creeps in.

    • The citizens who attend the ceremony hope for a refusal and are happy when it occurs.
    • The narrator does not seem to care one way or the other about the refusal.
    • The tax-collector is an older, stoic man with a strong allegiance to the distant capital.
    • Young people, who don’t fully understand the risk of opposing the capital, are upset about the refusal.

Young people, who don’t fully understand the risk of opposing the capital, are upset about the refusal.

  • What did Mildred find behind Montag’s pillow?
    • her sleeping pills that Montag was hiding
    • a book Montag had stolen
    • a letter to Montag from Clarisse
    • the remote control to the wall-tvs that he was hiding from her

a book Montag had stolen

  • Which of these passages best supports the correct answer "Young people, who don’t fully understand the risk of opposing the capital, are upset about the refusal."

    • “... yet at the same time these official occasions designed to receive the refusal are by no means a formality.”

    • “... and in all seriousness and then one returns, if not exactly strengthened or happy, nevertheless not disappointed or tired.”

    • “About these things I do not have to ask the opinion of anyone else, I feel them in myself, as everyone does; nor do I have any great desire to find out how these things are connected.”

    • “Quite young fellows, in fact, who are utterly incapable of foreseeing the consequences of even the least significant, far less a revolutionary, idea.”

“Quite young fellows, in fact, who are utterly incapable of foreseeing the consequences of even the least significant, far less a revolutionary, idea.”



You have finished the Harrison Bergeron category!

  • What does Beatty explain happens to the dead in their society?
    • they receive a brief memorial before being replaced with someone who is living
    • the bodies are burned by the firemen
    • within 5 minutes, the body (minus a funeral) is in the Incinerators
    • they receive a memorial and funeral before being buried

within 5 minutes, the body (minus a funeral) is in the Incinerators

  • Chose the correct order in which these events take place chronologically in the story
    • A crowd feels relieved and disperses/the narrator describes the location of the town and its relationship with the capital/the colonel rejects a petition from the people of the town/the townspeople gather for a ceremony.
    • The narrator describes the location of the town and its relationship with the capital/ the colonel rejects a petition from the people of the town/a crowd feels relieved and disperses/the colonel rejects a petition from the people of the town/the townspeople gather for a ceremony.
    • The narrator describes the location of the town and its relationship with the capital/ the townspeople gather for a ceremony/ the colonel rejects a petition from the people of the town/the colonel rejects a petition from the people of the town/ a crowd feels relieved and disperses.
    • The colonel rejects a petition from the people of the town/the townspeople gather for a ceremony/the narrator describes the location of the town and its relationship with the capital/a crowd feels relieved and disperses.

The narrator describes the location of the town and its relationship with the capital/the townspeople gather for a ceremony/the colonel rejects a petition from the people of the town/the colonel rejects a petition from the people of the town/a crowd feels relieved and disperses.