Early Americans
Native Americans
Anything Goes
What was the Bering Strait Land Bridge?
A land bridge between Siberia and Alaska that was exposed during the most recent Ice Age when the waters of the Bering Strait receded.
How do scientists think people first migrated to the Americans? a.They walked from Asia across the Bering Straight land bridge b.They sailed from Polynesia in large canoes c.They paddled across the Bering Strait from Siberia in Kayaks d.They rowed from Iceland in sturdy boats
What is a.They walked from Asia across the Bering Straight land bridge
To survive in different areas, native peoples had to learn to a. Develop their own religions b. Build houses out of wood c. Adapt to their environment d. Speak the same language
What is c. Adapt to their environment
What is the main method archaeologists use to study history? a. Reading diaries of a given group b. Examining artifacts of a specific people c. Observing people in their natural environment d. Practicing local customs of people
What is b. Examining artifacts of a specific people
A narrow channel of water that connects two larger bodies of water is called a. A peninsula b. A strait c. An island d. An isthmus
What is b. A strait
The buffalo provide food, clothing, tools, and shelter for Native Americans of the a. Northwest Coast b. Eastern Woodlands c. Plateau Region d. Great Plains
What is d. Great Plains
In which way were the Mayas, Aztecs, and Incas similar? a. They created well-organized societies. b. They spoke the same language. c. They practiced the same religion. d. They had no central government.
What is a. They created well-organized societies.
Native Americans of the Southwest adapted to a desert climate by building a. Thick-walled adobe houses b. Wooden houses out of cedar logs c. Movable teepees made out of buffalo skins d. Homes clustered around mounds
What is a. Thick-walled adobe houses
Which source would provide an archaeologist with a primary source of information about pre-Columbian (pre-1492) Indians who settled in North America? A. an article about the Iroquois in an encyclopedia B. an interview with a historian who specializes in early American cultures C. artifacts left by the Iroquois D. a social studies textbook
What is C. artifacts left by the Iroquois
What is a secondary source?
A secondary source is any source about an event, period, or issue in history that was produced after that event, period or issue has passed.
What geographic region did the group of Native Americans known as the Iroquois belong to a. Plains b. Eastern Woodlands c. Southwest d. Pacific Northwest
What is b. Eastern Woodlands
Where were the Maya and Aztec empires located? a. Canada b. Central America c. Southeastern United States d. Southwestern Europe
What is b. Central America
What type of shelter did the Algonquin Native Americans live in?
Our people hunted buffalos and used their skins to construct our housing called Teepees. We belonged to what group of native Americans? a. Great Plains b. Northeast Woodland c. Pacific Northwest d. Southwest
What is a. Great Plains
What does an archaeologist study?
What are artifacts
Early Native Americans in North America tended to settle near rivers mainly because these areas provided a. Resources suitable for agriculture b. Water power for factories c. Protection from enemies d. Popular camping sites
What is a. Resources suitable for agriculture
The theory that Native American Indians migrated across a land bridge from Asia to settle in North America is based on a. Political studies b. Archeological discoveries c. Diaries written during the migration d. Modern short stories written by Native Americans
What is b. Archeological discoveries
The Iroquois Creation Myth was passed on from generation to generation through a. Books b. Cave paintings c. Carvings on the war post d. Word of mouth (spoken language)
What is d. Word of mouth (spoken language)
To survive in different areas, native peoples had to learn to A. Develop their own religions B. Build houses out of wood C. Adapt to their environment D. Speak the same language
What is C. Adapt to their environment
What is a primary source?
An original source or artifact from the time under study
6. Which of the following is the prevailing (popular) view about how people first reached the Americas? A. They crossed a land bridge from Asia. B. They traveled by boat from Asia. C. They traveled by boat from Europe. D. They traveled by boat from Africa.
What is A. They crossed a land bridge from Asia.
For which purpose did the Incas carve terraces in the steep mountainsides? a. To provide protection from invasion b. To create locations closer to the Sun on which to worship their god c. To create plateaus on which to farm d. To make the mountain easier to climb
What is c. To create plateaus on which to farm
Iroquois men provided food for the village by hunting. Iroquois women would typically farm. What were the three main crops grown by the Iroquois? a. Berries, corn and squash b. Corn, beans and squash c. Tobacco, beans and corn d. Corn, sunflowers and beans
What is b. Corn, beans and squash
Why was the Iroquois Confederacy (Iroquois League) formed? a. To establish common rules and regulations for the tribes b. To establish peace between the five tribes c. To establish treaties with with colonial governments d. To establish a system of free trade
What is b. To establish peace between the five tribes
How many themes of geography are there?
What are five themes: location, place, human-environment interaction, movement, region