% of a number
% increase or decrease
sales tax and discounts
Mr. Jones asked 75% of his class to stand up. What fraction represents this percentage?
What is 3/4
From a barrel of colored marbles, you randomly select 1 blue, 6 yellow, 7 red, 4 green, and 6 purple marbles. Find the experimental probability of randomly selecting a marble that is NOT yellow.
What is 3/4
There are 24 fish in a pond, and 75% of them are goldfish. How many goldfish are in the pond?
What is 18
The number of golf tees a manufacturer packed in a bag decreased from 90 to 81. By what percent did the number of golf tees decrease?
What is 10%
A football team plans to raise ticket prices next season by 9.5%. If each football admission ticket costs $34.50 this season, approximately how much will an admission ticket cost next season?
What is $38
There are 10 ushers and 9 technicians at the Harper Middle School fall play. What is the ratio of technicians to all helpers?
What is 9/19
Dave wants to increase the number of biscuits a recipe makes. The ratio of milk to flour 3/4 in the recipe is . Which amounts of milk and flour have the correct ratio? a. 9 cups of milk to 15 cups of flour b. 12 cups of milk to 14 cups of flour c. 9 cups of milk to 14 cups of flour d. 10 cups of milk to 16 cups of flour
What is a
Kathy saved 24% of the money earned working at a department store. If earned $835, how much did she save?
What is $200.40
Rob paid $45 for one share of Top Tech stock. After four months, the stock was worth $54. By what percent did the value of the stock increase?
What is 20%
Susan plans to use the following coupon to purchase a computer desk that regularly sells for $69.95. What is the price of the desk after the discount? 25% OFF COUPON Take 25% off any single item!
What is $52.46
Monroe Elementary has 440 students and 20 teachers. What is the unit rate of students per teacher?
What is 22 students to 1 teacher
sally charges $16 for 4 hours of baby-sitting. Which of the following rates forms a proportion with ’s rate for baby-sitting? a. $12 for 3 hours c. $15 for 5 hours b. $10 for 2 hours d. $60 for 10 hours
What is A
Find 15% of 50.
What is 7.5
A van travels 180 miles on 6 gallons of gas. How many gallons will it need to travel 750 miles?
What is 25 gallons
Mary found a DVD regularly priced at $19.95. The DVD is discounted 15%. There is no sales tax. What is the sale price of the DVD?
What is $16.96
Which ratios are equal? a. 10 to 9 and 18 : 20 c. 19/36 and 36 : 19 b. 6 : 12 and 1/3 d. 17/19and 34 to 38
What is d.
Vince can do 50 sit-ups in 2 minutes. At this rate, how many sit-ups can do in 3 minutes?
What is 75 sit-ups
Which number is 30% of 400?
What is 120
Twenty-five percent of the population have pets. What is the probability that the next person you speak to will have pets?
What is 1/4
A number cube is rolled 360 times and the results are recorded as follows: 60 ones, 58 twos, 70 threes, 74 fours, 38 fives, and 60 sixes. What is the experimental probability of rolling a two or a three?
What is 36%
Use cross products to solve the proportion. 5/6=9/x
What is 10.8
Which is a proportion? a. 3 ft : 8 sec = 5 ft : 11 sec c. 3 : 25 = 5 : 50 b. 6 mi : 10 mi = 18 yd : 30 yd d. 6 in. : 8 min = 3 min : 4 in.
What is b
The original price of a concert ticket was $32. The price increased to $79. Find the percent increase.
What is 146.88%
A bag contains 5 red marbles, 4 white marbles, and 9 blue marbles. You pick a marble without looking. Find the probability of drawing a white marble.
What is 2/9
The sales tax in Illinois is 6.25%, while the sales tax in Ohio is 5%. A sweatshirt costs $24.50. What is the difference between the amounts paid in Illinois and in Ohio for the sweatshirt?
What is $0.30