Test Specifications & Validity
Test Planning & Design
Test Level & Skills Assessment
Test Content & Structure

What is the purpose of a test specification (test spec)?

It provides a blueprint to ensure fairness, validity, and reliability.


What factors should be considered when planning a test?

Subject, purpose, length, reliability, time, and skills tested.


How can a test be aligned with proficiency frameworks like CEFR or GSE?

A test can be aligned by ensuring the content, tasks, and difficulty level match the descriptors for a specific CEFR level (A1-C2) or GSE score range.


Why should test topics be relevant to the course syllabus?

It ensures fairness, but new topics can test adaptability.


Why is it important to create multiple versions of the same test?

To maintain test security, prevent cheating, and ensure consistency.


What is face validity, and why is it important in test design?

It means a test looks like it measures what it should, increasing acceptance.


What is the difference between discrete and integrated skill assessment?

Discrete tests one skill separately; integrated combines multiple skills.


How can test sections be structured to ensure logical progression?

By moving from easier to harder and covering different skills.


Why must test length be specified in test specifications?

Ensures fairness, practicality, and alignment with testing conditions