Before Test
During Test
Test Tips
Test Taking Myths

I should only practise on my weakest section (True/False).

False - do not focus on your weaknesses alone.


Should you guess on a question that you are unsure of?

Not right away, you should skip the questions and move onto a different one then come back to it because it is possible that you might see something later on in the test that could possibly help you answer that question you were stuck on.


What should you do if you feel like your mind has went blank or you just need to refocus?

There are many different ways from turning your test over and closing your eyes just to pause momentarily or take a deep breath, you could roll your head in a circle slowly or even have a mental talk with yourself to regroup, etc.


The test wants me to fail (True/False)

False - The test has no interest in making you a failure


Should you cram hard a night before an exam or should you stop and get your rest?  (True/False)

False - Craming the night before will not save you.


Create negative affirmation about test taking such as "I am going to fail" or "I am not prepared for this test at all. True or False?

False! You should never create negative affirmation; it should be positive. You should have thoughts such as "I am fully prepared for this test" or "I am confident to pass and earn the highest score". (Never put yourself down, you can do it!)


If you're having difficulties with a certain question, what should you do about it?

Skip the question and move on to a different one. Do not stay on that question for so long because it will take away from your test time. You can circle it and then come back to it at the end.


You should you arrive late to your testing destination to start one time (True or False) 

False - You should arrive early with spare time on your hands to be able to avoid the stress of running late right before your test.


Look through and preview the test and questions before starting on it to get a sense of what you're going to be doing. True/False?

True, because if you get a sense of what you're taking on the test you are able to note questions that you may have an idea of how to answer or mark ones that you would come back to later in test taking period.


I should spend most of my time on hard questions (True/False)

False - Maximize your time with the easiest questions first. 


I should make sure that all questions are answered before handing in my test paper (True or False)

True - do not leave any unanswered questions on your test paper.


I need 7 hours of sleep before a test the next day (True/False)

False - 8 hours of sleep is recommended


Prepare the night before, go to bed early and eat a healthy breakfast (True or False)

True - preparation is key


Once you finish your test with time to spare you should turn it in. True or False?

False - because it is possible that you may have miss-read a question the first time around. It is always good to go back and look it over so you get the best score.


What shouldn't you do when you have finished your test?

You should NOT change your answers. Unless new information has surfaced or it was something you missed when answering the questions leave them like you had them; always go with your gut.


If I do not study or revise but I ask God to help me I will pass my test (True or False)

False - God helps those who help themselves.


Before taking your test, should you write down anything you remember that will help you or should you just wing it and go by what you think would be right.

You should write down whatever you remember (which is also known as Memory Cues); never wing it. Always chose the best thing to do over just "getting by". (Possible cues include formulas, dates, quotation or acronym.)


If you do not know an answer you should move on (True/False)

True - move on to another question and come back to the original question after.


List some foods that you should eat before a test that will wake up your brain and body to do their actions.

Nuts, apples, yogurt, blueberries, dark chocolate, peanut butter, eggs, oatmeal, milk, orange juice, grapefruit, etc.


After the test is finish I should talk to my classmates about what answers they wrote (True or False)

False - the test is finished and you cannot change your answers, do not stress yourself out.