Before the Test
During and After the Test
Test Taking Strategies
Multiple Choice Strategies

What should you do the night before a test to make sure that you are refreshed?

Go to bed early!


What should you do first? A) read the passage B) read the multiple choice questions c) read the open response/short answer questions

c) read the short answer questions


If a true/false question contains “sometimes, usually, or generally” would it be more likely to be true or false?



Before you look at the answer choices, you should try and predict or solve the question. True or False



What should you try to do before you read the answer choices?

Try to solve/predict the problem before looking at the answers


What should you do the morning of the test to ensure you are not light headed/unable to focus.

Eat breakfast


What’s the better strategy: delving

right in to answer questions or

looking at the whole test first?

Skim the whole test, do some quick time budgeting, and develop a plan of where to start


If you are having difficulties with a question, what should you do?

Skip it!

But be sure to circle it so you’ll come back to it. (And ALWAYS guess if you won’t be penalized for it.)


True or False: Getting a good nights sleep is one of the most important things to do before a test?



What words or phrases should you circle or highlight in a multiple choice question?

What the question is asking you (key words) and where to find extra information.


How can you decrease stress levels for a test?

Leave the drama behind, take care of problems before you get to school, be prepared, etc.


When you read a multiple choice question, you should try and answer it before you look at the answer choices. True or False



What should I do if I freeze?

Consciously relax.

Start writing what you

CAN think of…your brain will

begin to make associations


Identify the best daily strategy for absorbing information from each class period for future tests

Reviewing notes after each class and using them to create study guides


Which statement is true? A) once you find the answer, circle it, and move on quickly to the next problem B) read all the answer choices before circling the answer



Why does cramming for the test not work as well as studying several days before a quiz?

It usually is not enough studying/you do not study enough.


What should you do when you’ve finished your test?

Don't Stress!

Don't worry about what you could have answered

Have confidence in the answers you know you did well on!


How can you use past tests to reduce your anxiety about future tests?

See where the teacher pulled information from to figure out his/her test-making tendencies

Analyze the types of mistakes you made to reduce the likelihood of repeating them


In the open response, you should show your work. True or False



Why would you cross through answers in a multiple choice question?

you are eliminating choices, which will help you find the right answer


What is 1 way that you can review the material you're being test on?

1) Looking over Class Notes and Chapter Summaries

2) Practice Problems

3) Previous Homework Assignments


Why are tests still important after you get them back with a grade?

You can study from them - you may have another quiz with them - you may be able to do test corrections.


What should you do the morning

of the test?

-Eat Breakfast! You think better on

a full stomach.

-Get to the test early to eliminate any

stress of arriving late

-If it works for you, do a ten-minute power study

 to “warm up” your brain.


What is the first thing you should

do when you get your test (after writing your name)?

Jot down any information that

has been consuming your mind.

Then look over the whole test.


You only have 5 minutes left, you have 10 multiple choice questions left, what do you do? A) Panic! Flip a desk!!!! B) Circle all "A"s then relax for 4 minutes C) Write "I don't know" on all the questions. D) Move as quickly as you can - and if you run out of time guess so you have SOMETHING bubbled. E) Start crying.