True-False Test Tips
Essay Test Tips
Short Answer Test Tips
Open-book Test Tips

Most tests have more of this type of answer over false ones....

What is true answers?


If you have a test with 3 essay questions to answer in 1 hour, how much time should you spend on each question?

What is 20 minutes?


What is a good study method for remembering key terms, dates, and concepts? Concept on front, definition/explanation on back....

What are: flashcards?


You were just assigned an open-book test. Awesome! So now, how difficult do you think those questions are going to be? More or less difficult than a closed-book test?

What is: more difficult?


Statements that are definitions are usually __________.

What is: true!


To guess or not to guess on a test is the question.....which one should you do if you don't know the answer?

What is guess?


How many main ideas should be included in each paragraph of an essay?

What is one main idea per paragraph?


If you come across a question that you can think of more than one answer to, what should you do?

What is: ask the teacher for clarification?


Name three tools that will help you in preparing for an open-book test:

What are: post-it notes, notes,  bookmarks, and highlight important points?


You should ________ __________ all of the wrong answers to narrow down the right answer.

What is: cross off!


Qualifiers like "never", "always", and "every" often lead to what type of answer? 

What is:  false


What is a good strategy to use when considering what you should include in your essay? 

What is: use a graphic organizer or outline


What is a good way to predict what questions will be asked on a test?

What is: anticipate questions that will be asked on the test, based on what the teacher emphasizes in class, previous test, homework?


Name at least 2 things that would be useful to bring for an open book test. 

What are: textbook, previous tests, notes, quizzes


Look for answers in other parts of the _________ when you don't have an answer for a specific question.

What is: test!


The true/false statement contains a lot of details so it is probably....

What is: the statement is likely true  


What do you do before you write an essay in order to make it well-organized?

What is: make an outline?


Oh no! You aren't sure of the answer to a question on a test. What is best thing to do?

What is: come back to it after you finish the rest of the test?


To answer the questions you know off the top of your head OR to answer the ones that you need to reference from the book first.....which is best?

What is: answer the questions you know first?


When matching, what is a good strategy to use prior to answering questions? 

What is: Read both columns, do the easy ones first to eliminate choices.


If any part of a question is false, then the entire statement is false, but just because part of a statement is true doesn't necessarily make the entire statement false. True or false?

What is true?


After you quickly finish writing an essay, what must you do so that the final product does NOT have spelling and grammatical errors?

What is: proofread?


Some short answer questions will have multiple parts. What do you do in order to fully answer the question?

What is: read the question carefully, underlining the important parts?


What is a great way to support answer a question and support your point of view, if you have access to all the materials at your fingertips?

What is: use quotes from text?


To avoid "drawing a blank" on formulas or ideas that might be on the test, you can do this. 

What is: quickly jot down notes or formulas on the test to reference later.