Energy Efficiency
Power Sources
Science of Electricity
Energy Pop Culture

The energy-efficient alternative to halogen light bulbs, the LED bulb, stands for something. 

A) Light-effuse design        C)Light-emitting diode

B) Light-emitting device    D) Light-eject diode 

What is a Light-emitting diode? 


There's a certain type of energy that comes from the sun. 

What is solar? 


There's a text book definition of energy.

What is the movement of electrons between atoms? 


Arnold Schwarzenegger starred as the Terminator for many years and his character was powered by a type of energy.  

What is nuclear power? 


Thomas Edison didn't just invent the light bulb. He made a certain child's toy incorporating his invention of the phonography that did not land well, and only 500 were sold. 

What are creepy talking dolls?


This daily habit on average uses the most amount of energy in a household. 

A) Heating & Cooling             B) Water Heating

C) Household Appliances       D) Washer & Dryer 

What is heating and cooling? 


There's a type of energy that comes from water. 

What is hydropower?

There are different branches of science to be studied, and energy falls into one of these. 

What is the study of physics? 


Environmental activist Greta Thunberg is a certain amount of years old. 

What is 21 years old? 


You leave an LED bulb on and never turn it off, much to the dismay of your family. It shuts off after a certain amount of years. 

What are three years? 


If the entire United States replaced only 50% of the  incandescent bubs with LED bulbs used over the holidays, the savings would be this much money. 

What is $17.2 billion? 


There's an energy that comes from the ground. 

What is geothermal energy? 


A kilowatt (kW) has a certain amount of watts. 

A) 10,000       B) 1,000

C) 1,000,000  C) 100

What is 1,000 watts? 


Peter von Rittinger invented an energy efficient technology to heat your space and/or water in your home.

What is a heat pump? 


The largest solar farm resides in a country somewhere far, far away from Blue Lake. 

Where is China? 


A study from the NRDC showed that drivers in the state of Washington could save as much as "x" amount of dollars by driving an electric vehicle vs. a gas-generated car. 

A) $10,000     B)$14,000

C)$26,0000    D)$5,000

What is $14,000?


The human body can do amazing things! There's even a type of energy it produces. 

What is kinetic energy? 


Thomas Edison invented the light bulb during a certain remarkable year. 

What happened in 1879?


Besides his love for science, there was a sport that captured Albert Einstein's heart. 

What is sailing? 


A certain type of lighting increases productivity and makes it easier to stay working or studying. 

What is LED lighting? 


Instead of driving to school, name at least four ways to get there instead. 

What is walking, biking, riding a scooter, taking the bus, and skateboarding? 


Name an example of a biomass fuel source.

A) Wood       B) Fossil Fuels

C) Sound      D) Chemicals 

What is wood? 


During one decade in particular, most American homes had electricity. 

A) 1930s     B)1940s

C) 1920s     D) 1950s

What happened in the 1920s?


Celebrity chef Massimo Capra endorses a type of alternative cooking that uses a copper coil.

What is an induction cooktop? 


The Romans used a certain type of energy to heat their homes. 

What is geothermal energy?