90-Day Plan

Groups of educators who work together to improve teaching and student learning.

What is a Professional Learning Community (PLC)?


Individualized Education Program or Plan

What is an IEP?


Core curriculum and instruction plus targeted evidence-based interventions.

What are MLSS Layer 2 interventions?

To provide a roadmap for increasing student achievement and improving outcomes.

What is the purpose of the 90-day plan?


 7:30 am - 3:15 pm

What are the times we should be at work?


The four questions asked in the PLC cycle.

What are:  What do we want students to know and be able to do?  How will we know that they've learned it? What will we do if they haven't learned it?  What will we do when they have learned it? 


Information about the student's current educational performance, goals, and services they qualify for, as well as accommodations that will help the student succeed.

What is included in the IEP?  What the teacher should be familiar with?  


Students will receive intensive evidence-based interventions if they are not making expected progress or are experiencing an educational crisis.  

What is MLSS Layer 3?


3rd, 4th and 5th grade NM-MSSA and IMSSA?

What is the data on the 90-day plan?


Hobbs Municipal Schools provides a safe learning environment that ignites and fosters passion so that all learners are provided with high-quality education that opens doors to endless opportunities.

What is our mission statement?


The action of working with someone to produce or create something.

What is collaboration?


Any information identifying the student as special education will be kept confidential.

What is FERPA and/or IDEA (the law)?


Universal Student Supports and Progress Monitoring. Supports for English Learners (Els) Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Instruction. Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and Behavioral Supports.

What is MLSS Layer 1?


The performance challenge for ELA on our 90-day plan.

What is students need rigorous Layer 2 differentiated instruction based on targeted student needs?


 Requirements of attendance on professional development days. 

What are personal days and pre-scheduled sick days shall not be granted on professional development days without unique and unavoidable cause.


Statements that support collaboration and effective meetings.

What are norms?


A student with dyslexia might be given an audio version of classroom text, or a child with ASD might be provided with visual supports.

What is an accomodation?


A coordinated and comprehensive framework that uses increasingly intensive evidence-based academic and behavioral supports that address student needs as evidenced by student data.

What is the definition of MLSS (multi layer system of supports)?


The performance challenge for math?

What is students need instructions based on the balance of application, conceptual thinking, and fluency in procedures in both Layer 1 and Layer 2?


Hobbs Municipal Schools aspires to be a community that equips ALL Learners for their unique future.

What is our vision statement?


Process to allow educators opportunities to directly improve teaching and learning.

What is the goal/objective of PLC?


A student who struggles with spelling might be tested on a different set of words than their peers.

What is a modification?


Directly meets the needs of our students with a lens on equity. All students are provided with three clear layers of support, both academically and behaviorally, with a focus on culturally and linguistically designed best practices.

What is the MLSS process?


The team that helped to create the 90-day plan.

What is the core team or guiding coalition team?


The mascot of Broadmoor Elementary.

Who are the Panthers?