Fruits & Vegetables
Meat/Meat Alternates

Whick of the following are Credible Foods and can be counted as a vegtable.

a.) Pickles

b.) Onions

c.) Lettuce

d.) Peppers

e.) Carrot Sticks 

E , Carrot Sticks 


How can you tell if a food is considered whole-grain? 

Whole grain must be the first ingredient 


Is Pepperoni (including Turkey Pepperoni) creditable?

No. No pepperoni products are creditable through CACFP. 


If a child in your care is a 6 yrs. old , what type of milk must they receive? 

1% Fat Free MIlk or  Unflavored low-fat Milk


Is WATER creditable?

No! Water does not count as a creditable component and does not need to recorded on your menus. However, water should be offered frequently and must always be available. 


If you serve mixed vegetables how many servings of veggies does it count for?

1 serving of vegetables.  Mixed vegetables, fruit cocktail, and similar combinations only count as one vegetable or fruit.


Are homemade granola bars allowed to be served? 

No. Homemade and store bought granola bars cannot count towards the grain component because they are typically high in sugar and are considered a grain-based dessert. 


Can we sever suggests limiting processed meats (franks, chicken nuggets, fish sticks, deli meats) 



Yay or nay: A reimbursable breakfast, lunch, and supper offered to children in the CACFP must include milk.


 A reimbursable breakfast, lunch, and supper offered to children in the CACFP must include milk. Milk can also be one of the two required components you offer as part of a reimbursable snack.


True of False:

 Pickles and olives are creditable as vegetables


They are not creditable. 


Can two fruits be served at lunch or dinner?

No. At least one vegetable must be served at lunch and dinner. You may serve 2 veggies, but not two fruits. 


Cereals cannot contan more than ___ grams of sugar per ounce (28 grams).

6. Check out page 23 in your crediting book for a list of low-sugar cereals. 


Today I served Canned Chicken Noodle Soup, an apple, and 1% Milk to school-aged children. Is this a CACFP creditable MEAL?

Nope. Canned Chicken Noodle soup only counts as the grain component. So this meal was missing a vegetable and a meat/meat alternate and would not be reimbursed.


Can we  serve almond milk. 

NO! we are peanut free center


How often do CACFP child Enrollment forms need to be updated? 

a. ) When there are changes

b. ) When a child switches programs

c.) Annually

d.) All of the above 

 D , All of the above


Is the following Lunch CACFP creditable?

Grilled Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, String Beans, Orange Slices, and Skim Milk 

No. Mashed Potatoes are only creditable as a vegetable not as a grain. French fries, mashed potatoes, scalloped potatoes, and any other potato are not grains. 


Which of the following foods DO NOT count toward the CACFP Meal Pattern Requirement? 

Goldfish, Rice Krispy Treats, Fig Newtons, Granola Bar, Homemade Cookies 

Rice Krispy Treat, Fig Newton, Granola Bar, and Homemade Cookies are NOT creditable. 

Goldfish are creditable as grains!


Can peanut butter be served at meals? 

Yes, but you must also serve another meat/meat alternate such as eggs, cheese, yogurt, or beans.

But don't fr Air Froce doesn't allow peanut butter


Can Milk used in puddings, sauces and soups count toward the milk requirement?

No. Milk used in the preparation of food is not creditable. 


How Many componesnt are there in a meal?

a.) 3

b.) 2


d.) 5 

C. 4

A meal typically consists of four main components: a protein source, a vegetable or fruit, and beverage (milk)


Is grape or strawberry jelly creditable?

No fruit jellies, jams, or fruit preserves are not creditable in CACFP due to their high sugar content. 


True or False: Corn and/or Whole Grain Tortillas are creditable as a grain, but tortilla chips are not. 

True. Tortilla chips, because they are fried, are not creditable. 


To serve a milk substitute that is not nutritionally equivalent to cow’s milk as part of a reimbursable meal or snack, you need a ____________

A medical statement is required in order to serve a milk substitute that is not nutritionally equivalent to cow’s milk as part of a reimbursable meal or snack.


Fill in the blank: You may serve flavored milk as part of a reimbursable meal or snack to children ages____________ 

You can sever flavored milk as part of a reimbursable meal or snack to children 6 years of age and older.


Should the time that teachers spend supervising family style meal service be documented as CACFP Food Service time


Time teachers spend supervising and assisting participants with family stylemeal service should be documented as CACFP Food Service time.