Name 2 ways we received template escalations.
What is Slack channel or Email?
What are 2 ways we can access a Template in Admin?
What is
Entity Management > Facilities > Search facility name exactly as listed on CRP
Clicking the hyperlink on HP’s placement tab for the facility
When adding BLS, ACLS or PALS what should be considered when choosing the requirement name from the drop down?
Facility specific requirements such as AHA
A requirement that is not a universal facility requirement but a specific requirement for that traveler.
When we don't have an updated checklist what should we add to the template?
What are the 4 state requirements RDT handles?
Where do we store updated Checklists?
What is G-drive by client folder?
Give 2 examples of a facility specific requirement that would almost always have internal notes included.
Facility forms, Facility modules, Mask fit & Badge photo..
Can you give me 3 examples of a One-Off requirement?
2nd hard copy of license
Proof of Name Change
Name Change Affidavit
Proof of Past Positive PPD
TB Questionnaire
Chest X-Ray
Core Competency Attestation
International Diploma or Transcript
Vaccine Boosters
Green Card
Covid Boosters
(Per Mercedes) What is the best way to ensure ALL required panels are included in a Drug Screen Requirement?
Using the "Panel Search" feature in Vault.
*Be sure to include each vendor as an option (LabCorp, Quest & CRL)
What would you need in order to conduct ongoing Template re-audits?
What is an updated checklist?
What do you need from the OA to complete a template request?
What is...
Link to profile in admin
Client name or VMS
The request (Speciality, Facility, State or Re-audit)
When updating TB requirements you notice specific date ranges for Two Step TB, what should you do?
Include it in the internal note of the TB requirement.
During onboarding, your HP provides to you her Covid vaccination and booster however the facility does not require these. How would you handle?
The CA can go ahead and add this requirement to the HP's checklist.
This would be considered a One-off because we want to keep these on file for future placements however the facility template does NOT need revision.
Can a CA delete a requirement that is not needed from an HP's checklist?
Yes, the Operations Associate can delete them on their end. However, if we must also delete a requirement from a facility template due to an error or the client's advice this must be escalated.
How do we receive the Missing template report and where do we track these?
What is... On the Main To Do spreadsheet under the current year tab & it is emailed to us automatically from Looker.
Can you think of anything special when updating a drug screen requirement on a template? What should you make sure is included?
1. Create a compound requirement for ALL Vendors unless specified otherwise by the client
2. Be sure to copy over any internal notes
3. Delete the old drug screen compound, not just turn it off.
When updating the education requirement on a template, you notice the facility requires 3rd party verification. How do you handle this?
Turn off the Diploma/Transcript requirement and only turn on the compound Third party verification requirement.
When handling an escalation, the CA's request states "Please add Chest X-Ray to the template" how would you handle?
Tell them they can go ahead and add it to their HP's checklist as this would be considered a one-off as this is only required for specific travelers and not by the facility for all travelers.
If a CA cannot find an option for a specific facility requirement, what should they do?
Escalate to the RDT for review and creation
Name something we look for when auditing a template.
What is... Internal Notes, Specialty Specific items, Facility specific items that trump Nomad minimums and any MSP specific items.
In what cases do we need to "flip" the compliance status from credentialing to offer extended for changes to show on the HP's checklist in admin?
When we are editing 5 or more requirements on a template.
A CA submits a request via slack after seeing several requirements needing correcting (more than 5). The CA provides an updated checklist to you and a link. How would you handle this?
Complete a re-audit of the entire checklist on the facility level and then "flip" the status so the changes appear on the HP's checklist.
Be sure to review before marking the request as "done" to ensure all updates transferred over.
When trying to verify education the information on the HP's application isn't pulling up in any 3rd party vendor, what should you do?
Request a copy of the HP's diploma or transcript to confirm accuracy and treat it as a One-off by adding the requirement to the HP's checklist.
How does the RDT create requirements?
Using a specific link and by category.