How do you resolve an STI carrier error?
Advise the expert to wait 10 minutes and refresh their system to verify if the issue is resolved.
If the caller has already waited the 10 minutes and still has an error transfer the call to Apple Support.
Excl agent ci with AS. Agent is asking to remove the FSUSSP code, what is the Call Reason?
AS with Feature Support
eID failed, what is the first step to follow if we have a match in the CB data?
Confirm if expert has an incident number.
ML NBI, we have CC F $0 and moving to CC D $0, should we change the exception code to IO?
Yes! every time you change the CC from F to D
Name the main 3 components of the "Validation of the customer"
Full name of the customer
Exp date
CSR ci, SBPL BAN with Passcode. Would this be a Passcode exception?
COR agent ci, they want to go from Prepaid to Postpaid, what is the Call Reason?
AS with Prepaid to Postpaid
How many contingency questions must pass the customer to approve?
is at least three questions answered correctly
ML NBI, we have CC D $0 and moving to CC D $500, should we change the exception code to IO?
Yes! Use exception code IO when overriding CAS suggest deposit or credit class.
Catfish call, Manual review, during Validation of the customer, the address isn't matching... what would be the right segment?
Where to match the OBO in SBPL, Open BAN?
Contact Information section on TLG
Opened App in CAS. Not approved, expired, or pending. What is the Resolution?
No Action taken
What happens when no bureau data is found? and alert is ssn verification
Reconfirm SSN on the application
What are the Virtual Sales Channels (VSC) based on the ML NBI article?
FL, what should we do if the application hasn't credit file/decision and we need to use ID-Verify identification.
must remain in AR status.
What is the meaning of the Authorized user validation?
Review in OPUS if they are authorized users
if the call Escalates but the agent hung up, what is the Resolution?
Sales agent disconnected the call
Cx failed OOW contingency, and the call is from a virtual channel. What is your next step?
Match SSN in MyCRSM
If the sales expert states the cx caled the cb 7 days ago, what would be your next move?
Request assistance in SC with an eport review
ID name shown: Noeberto
Real cx's name: Noe
Can we change Noeberto to Noe in Name edit?
No way! No! it must match the ID
Can we remove international calling features?
Yes, only during an activation or upgrade; otherwise; refer to Customer Service.
COR ci to remove a reserved line, what is the Call Reason?
AS with Release Reserved number
If the cx is from Nebraska and there is no credit report available in MyCRSM, what is your next step?
Use RR to find the report to compare information from ID
AR/UA, tentative BAN. Consumer, no passcode present. You ask the last 4 of SSN and noticed is incorrect, what is the next step to be able to work on the app?
it isn't required to verify the last four of the SSN Disregard verification
Can we assist Walmart ONLINE back office teams with ID validations?
National Retail back office can be assisted as they work on behalf of face-to-face experts