Testing Ethics
Time Demands
Item Selection
The days HS teachers will be scoring their subject area MSLs. (All departments will work together as a group: ELA, SS, Sci, and Math.)
What is 5/23 through 5/31? Please see the specific schedule.
The test(s) you NEVER administer without a proctor in any setting.
What are EOGs and EOCs?
These exams have a 4 hour maximum unless the student has a 504 or IEP plan indicating a specific amount of extended time.
What are ALL EOCs and EOGs.
These exams are offered ON-LINE only.
What are: NC Extend 2 ELA and MT gr 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Sci- 5, Sci-8, ALg I, Eng II, and Bio. Regular Science 5, Science 8, EOC: Eng II, Alg I and Bio!
These exams will NOT count as any portion of a student's final grade.
What are all exams grades 3-8, with the exception of 7th and 8th grade ALG I students?
The time we will begin signing out materials from all 3 buildings.
What is 7:30 AM?
The grade level you teach if you have a proctor for the science or ss MSL.
What is grade 4?
These exams all have a STRICT 90 min time demand unless a student has a documented plan to allow for a specific amount of extended time.
What are ALL MSLs gr 4-12? LCS will complete all MSLs on one day, even though there are options for 2 day administrations.
The following MSLs do NOT have constructed responses.
What is US History MSL?
These exams' results will be released in October 2013 to the public.
What are all EOGs and EOCs? (NO MSL results are ever released to the public!)
The date that ES and MS teachers will score their MSLs (SS and Sci) as a grade level team. You will complete this as a team at one building, not cross-campus.
What is June 3 and 4th?
The grade level, subject area and setting in which you will NOT have a proctor for the MSL exams.
What is gr 5, 6, 7, 8, HS Sci, SS, ELA, and Math all settings? However- you will have a different group to administer whom you DO NOT TEACH!
The time I may release my students when all students have completed a MSL.
What is 90 minutes, no exception!
These exams have technology enhanced items on the exam.
What are Alg I EOC, NC Extend 2 Alg I, Bio EOC, and NC Extend 2 BIo?
These exams' results will populate ALL teachers' standard 6 of the Teacher Evaluation tool.
What are MSLs for non-EOG(C) subject area teacher, EOG(C) for teachers instructing those corresponding courses, and a combination for the entire district of these two tests for non-MSL or EOG(C) subject area teachers/ administrators?
This form will be in each of your daily sign out bags to inform you of the students' specific accommodations for ALL exams: MSLs, EOGs, EOCs, On-line and paper-pencil.
What is Accommodation Notification form? You must complete it and sign it prior to returning your tests for the day.
This is your job description if you will be assigned to proctor or administer for various assessments from 5/15 through 5/23.
What is grades K-3 Teaching Assistants, Special area teachers, EC or intervention staff? Please plan accordingly.
The time I may release my students from a special setting, regular setting, on-line EOC or EOG exam if all students are completely finished.
What is the estimated completed time from the directions for regular setting? (The time students are completed in separate setting.)
The following exams have gridded responses.
What are Math EOGs gr 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Alg I EOC?
These exams will count as 10% of a student's final grade and will show on a transcript/ report card as the "Final Exam Grade."
What are: Eng I MSL, Eng III MSL, Eng IV MSL, US History MSL (non-AP students), World History MSL, Civics and Econ MSL, AFM MSL, Alg II MSL, Geo MSL, Pre-Calc MSL, Physics MSL, Phy Sci MSL, Earth and Env MSL, Chem MSL, Alg I EOC, Bio EOC, Eng II EOC?
The expected behaviors of teachers and proctors during ANY exam (MSL, finals, EOCs, EOGs!)
What is turn OFF ALL PHONES (not even on vibrate!!!), turn off all computers and monitor students' needs.
The date Christy will provide MS and HS teachers MSL and EOC % to enter final grades.
What is 6/3 (ideally) for all HS MSLs and 5/23 for EOCs except Alg I in MS?