Squares and Arches
Beams and Pillars
Terms and Test
What is a fair test?
When only one variable(thing) is changed.
Name 3 different materials
cardboard, manila tag, Popsicle sticks, toothpicks, paper
What are some different beam designs?
Accordion , box girder , rectangular box
What does support mean?
To hold something up.
What types of connectors have we used in class?
Marshmallows, Plasticine, paperclips, pipe cleaners.
Tell me about a science experiment that we used a square and arch design in?
Made a square and arch out of file folder, held with plasticine and then tested both to see how much mass it could hold.
What are some properties of regular paper?
light, not waterproof, cuts easily, flexible
What are some different pillar designs?
Cylindrical, Triangular, rectangular
What does distributed mean?
When the weight is held all over.
When building a cube out of straws, which is the best connector?
If I gave you a building task which design would you use arch or square and why?
The arch because the weight would be distributed.
What are some properties of a Popsicle stick?
Breaks when bent wood thick
Which beam design holds more mass?
The box girder because it has two small hollow rectangular beams and the weight is distributed.
How could I make a design (ex. box from manila tag) stronger?
You can create triangles in between.
When building cubes with marshmallows what strategies did you use?
Made a wide base, make triangles, double up on toothpicks.
Which is stronger a small arch gap or a large arch gap? ___________ __________________ 20cm 30cm
Smaller because the weight is better distributed. Not a weak point in the middle like the larger gap.
What are some properties of Cardboard?
hard to fold, thick
Is 1 pillar better then 4? Why?
4 pillars is better then 1 pillar because the weight is held all over rather than in just one placed. The weight is better distributed.
What does it mean for something to be stable? Which containers are the most stable?
Something is stable if it does not fall over. For example, when we tested containers the wider the base, the more stable the container. Trees are stable because their roots are the wide base.
Which adhesive held the most mass during the popsicle experiment?
The packing tape because it is a strong type of tape and flexible.
What are some real life designs that have arches in them ?
Bridges. Buildings.
If I were to ask you to build be a pillar to support my chair what kind of material would you use? Paper or construction paper and why?
Construction paper because it is thicker and can hold more weight. You wouldn't want a chair to fall when you sit on it.
Why do engineers use the box girder design?
The hollow beams are strong when building structures.
Why do structures need to be strong to be useful?
Structures need to be strong when creating buildings or bridges so they can hold the mass they need to support. It is also important to choose good materials to last in any condition (weather).
What did we learn during the brick wall experiment?
That staggered bricks are stronger then bricks stacked on top of each other.