Theme/Figurative Language
Text structures/Main Idea
POV/ Perspectives/ Author's Purpose
Story Elements

What type of figurative language is this example?

The librarian's computer is an old dinosaur.


Bonus 1: What 2 things are being compared?

Bonus 2: What does this example mean?


List three of the five nonfiction text structures.  Bonus points if you can list all 5.

Compare and Contrast

Cause and Effect

Problem and Solution

Chronological/Sequential Order

Description/Main Idea


What key words are used to recognize second person point of view.

you, your

Bonus: write a sentence in second person POV


What is the difference between internal v. external character traits?

Internal: inside

External: outside

Bonus: list three character traits for each.


What is an inference?

An educated guess based on information that the reader already knows and learns from the story.


Write your own example of alliteration or personification and label the type used.

Ex. The grass danced in the breeze. Ex. of personification.

Answers may vary


Which text structure goes with this passage?

Have you ever had a conversation heart?  It must have been difficult to figure out a way to write on a candy wafer!  A candy inventor named Daniel Chase worked to find a way to write messages right on candy.  He found a way to create an unk using vegetable dye.  Another problem with writing on candy hearts is keeping the message short enough to fit.  He solved this by shortening phrases that we still use today!

Problem and Solution

Bonus: What key words were used?


Write a sentence in third person point of view.

Answers will vary.


What is one type of external conflict?

Bonus if you can list all three!

Man v. man

Man v. nature

Man v. Society


What inference can you make based on the following story?

It is raining outside and I forgot my umbrella, but I have to get to my car!

You will get wet from the rain!


What is theme?

The lesson the author wants you to learn from the story.


Which text stricture goes with this passage?

Valentines have been around for a long time!  There are some things that are the same about the early valentines and modern calnetines, but there are also some difference.  The early valentines were often made by hand, were very detailed and often included lace.  Just like today, these early valentines had messages of love for someone special.  Unlike the early valentines, modern valentines are often purchased in a store.  Today, in addition to giving out the valentine cards, people also include candy or flowers with their valentines.

Compare and Contrast

Bonus: Make a venn diagram of the information!


What is the author's purpose for writing this short story?  Inform, persuade or entertain?

People who wanted to travel from the east to the west in the mid 1800s traveled on the Oregon Trail in wagon trains.  The trail started in Iowa and Missouri and stretched about 2,000 miles to Oregon.  Over 50,000 settlers made this long and dangerous journey.  Not everyone who started the journey made it to Oregon.  Many died from illness, accidents and bad weather.


Bonus: how do you know?


What is the difference between fiction and nonfiction.  Give an example of each.

Fiction: a story that is not real and has never happened.

Nonfiction: a real story or article about a real event.

Bonus: what is the genre of story called that sounds like a true story, but has never happened.


Read the passage and answer the question the follows:

Each day before Renee goes to work, she puts on her brown uniform and sturdy work boots.  She has to get to work early because a lot of creatures, bug and small, are counting on her for their breakfast.  Later in the day, she will make sure their habits are clean.  Sometimes she gets dirty at work, but she enjoys seeing all the people who come to visit, peeking through the fences and windows as she works.

Where does Renee work?  How do you know?

Answers may vary


What is the theme of the following passage?

The three-year-old peered down from the diving board and looked back at his mother behind him.  His knees began to buckle as he took another step forward. "Splash!"

Answers may vary.

Ex. Use courage for new adventures.

Bonus: What example of figurative language is in the passage?


What is the author's purpose for this writing?  Inform, Persuade or entertain?

I know you are super busy, but can you help me with the math homework today?  You're so good at math, and I am really having trouble.  Plus, if you help me today, I will help you with your book report next week.  Also, my mom made these totally yummy cookies today and we can have some while we are working.


Bonus: How do you know?


Why is the setting so important to the story line?

The setting gives information as to where and when the story takes place.  It uses a great deal of descriptive words that help create a mental picture. Without the setting, our story would be bland and boring and would be difficult to picture in our mind.


What inference can you make about what happened in this passage?

The three-year-old peered down from the diving board and looked back at his mother behind him.  His knees began to buckle as he took another step forward. "Splash!"

The boy jumped off the diving board.


What is the theme of the following passage?

There was a ragged old woman following behind me as a I walked down each isle.  She had a strange look on her face, as he missing teeth distorted her smile.  I tried to avoid her, as I was a little nervous about what she might do.  Come to find out, I dropped money and she was trying to return it to me.

Answers may vary.

Ex. Never judge someone by how they look.


What information do we learn when a story is in first person POV as opposed to it being in third person POV?

answers may vary

more in depth on feelings, thoughts and actions why something is done.


What is the plot of a story?

The plot of the main events that happen in a story.  This includes the climax of a story which is the turning point and most important part.

Bonus: What is the turning point of the story Three Little Pigs


What inference can you make about the following passage?

The phone rang.  She dropped the phone and tears began to drop onto her cheek.  Her lip quivered as she pictured the scene that was described to her. "No!" she wailed.

Answers may vary.