'Twas the Night Before Testing...
It's just a test!
Multiple Choice
Testing...1, 2, 3
Random Stuff

What should you do the night before the test to make sure you are well rested?

Go to bed early or on time.


Why do tests make you nervous?

I might get a bad score. 

I think state test are a BIG deal. 

I feel a lot of pressure from my parents.


What is it called when you eliminate choices that you know are incorrect?

Process of Elimination.


At the end of the test, what should you do?

Go back and check your answers.

Click Submit.

Raise your hand to let your teacher know you are done.


What team won the men's NCAA basketball championship?



Name three things you can do the night before that will help you be successful on your test (or in school) the next day.

  1. Sleep
  2. Set your alarm
  3. Eat a good dinner
  4. Charge your laptop
  5. Go to bed early


What does "go to your happy place" mean?

Picture your favorite place in the whole world. Think about how it makes you happy and this will ease your nervousness.


If a question has 4 answer options (A, B, C, and D), how many answer options do you need to read?

All 4!


Before reading the passage, what should you do?

Read the questions.


When is the last day of school?

May 24


Name 3 healthy breakfast "brain" foods.

Oatmeal, Eggs and bacon, Granola and yogurt, fruit, especially blueberries, Granola bar, Milk, Walnuts, Avocado


What should you do if you feel nervous?

Take deeps breaths. Picture your happy place. Take a break. Talk to an adult about your feelings before the test.


What should you do when you know an answer option is absolutely wrong? (Example: B.) Little Red Riding Hood wore a green cloak.)

Cross out the answer out in your mind


What should you do if you are feeling tired during testing?

Take a few deep, quiet breaths!


There are four seasons.  Name the three that are not happening right now.

Summer, Fall, Winter

(Right now is spring)


Why is it important to be on time for school during state testing?

So you can start the test on time.


How do you take a "correct" deep breath?

Breath in through your nose until your chest fills, hold for a second, slowly and quietly breath out through your mouth.


What should you do if you get down to 2 choices that could be correct?

Make an educated guess. Go back in the text for clues. Choose the BEST answer!


How can you keep track of important information in a reading passage? (Example: main idea, supporting facts)

Underline or highlight the important parts.

Take notes.


What is the name of the longest river in the world?

The Nile


If you are often late to school, what is an easy strategy to make sure you get to school on time during testing?

Set your alarm 10 minutes early. 

Leave your house earlier.


What is the official name for when someone feels anxious and nervous about testing?

"Test Anxiety"


What can happen to your test if you skip questions?

The question will be marked wrong if you don't go back to answer it!


Why should you skip questions that you are having a really hard time with?

Those questions can make you feel frustrated and angry. Skip and return so that you are spending an equal amount of time on the whole test and pace yourself.


How old is Ms. Jones?

Like I am going to tell you.