name 1 of her 3 main sports
What is?
1. Horse riding
2. Hunting
3. Art of War
what is her name
who is Teuta?
when was the peace treaty?
when is 227 B.C
mainly where is she a heroine ( a group of people )
what are women?
something that you say constantly
when was she born
when was 268 b.c
what was the pirate queens nickname
the queen of seas
what were the romans ( emotion )?
what is jealous?
where is she a national heroine
when did she ascend to throne
when was 231 b.c
what did she do after defeating the greek
took over phoenicia
In what year did the Roman Republic declare war on Teuta, leading to the First Illyrian War?
what is 229 B.C
How did she die?
what is fell of a cliff?
name of her husband
who is king agron
What did Teuta promote?
what is building cities?
what did she do when she was offended by the romans
how to
1. Hijacking their ship
2. murdering the other one
the coin that she was on?
what is the 100-lek coin?
what did she do after her husband died
what is growing her land?
(300's answer) ___ is
A. rich and succesful
B. poor and sad
c. the biggest pirate country
what is A. rich and succesful?
who betrayed Teuta?
Demetrius of Pharos
what god is she represented as
who is Athena?