What were Christopher Columbus hopes of finding when he sailed across the Atlantic Ocean? 

To find a quicker route to Asia.


What is the difference between a Viceroyalty and a Viceroy?

A Viceroyalty is land that is ruled by an official chosen by a king or a king, whereas a Viceroy is the official who is chosen to rule that land.


What were the Africans forced to do in America after they got traded during the Columbian Exchange?

They were forced to plant and harvest crops, herd animals, and work on mines.


When did Europeans become interested in Texas?

When Christopher Columbus shared the news of the New World.


What did La Salle's men stage against him? What did the end up doing in 1687?

They staged a Mutiny, or revolt against him. In 1687, they murdered him.


Columbus plan to sail west across the Atlantic Ocean was a chance for Spain to do what?

To gain riches and spread the Catholic Faith.


What happened to Tenochtitlan in 1521?

Cortes army took Tenochtitlan in a bloody battle. They then destroyed the amazing city. On its ruins, Mexico City was built there.


What did the trade of plants, animals, people, and disease across the Atlantic Ocean became known as what? Why was that?

It became known as the Triangular Trade because it formed a triangular trade between Europe, Africa, and North America.


What was the European's goal when they came to Texas?

To find gold, to spread Christianity, and to conquer new lands.


Where did La Salle's men land and end up building Fort St. Louis?

They accidentally sailed 100 miles past the Mississippi River and landed in Matgorda Bay, Texas.


When Columbus returned to Spain, he reported his mission had failed to find what?

He reported his mission had failed to find a quicker route to Asia.


How were the Aztecs a modern civilization?

They had their own code of law, system of courts, a system of trading, and a military.


Finding new and quicker routes for trade would lead to increased wealth for kingdoms. What would rulers hire to produce more accurate maps and charts?

They hired cartographers, or mapmakers, to produce accurate maps and charts.


How long did it take Hernan Cortes to conquer the Aztecs?

Two years


What was the issue with La Salle's claim to part of Texas?

It was also claimed by Spain


When Columbus got back from America, what did he bring back to Europe that made the king and queen of Spain believe America would provide them riches?

He brought back gold and captive Native Americans.


Where did Hernan Cortes land? What empire did he set his eyes on?

Hernan Cortes landed in present-day Mexico and he set his eyes on the Aztec civilization.


What was the period of time that was filled with many new ideas of art, medicine and science? What was valued and encouraged during this time?

The Renaissance. Human growth was valued and exploration was encouraged.


Who was the only Spaniard to live among the coastal Native Americans and survive?

Cabeza de Vaca


What was the Northwest Passage?

A shortcut that flows to the North Pacific, giving AA shortcut for trade with Asia.

What do the three G's stand for?

God, Gold, and Glory


What were the two main goals of the Conquistadors?

To convert the Natives to the Catholic faith and to gain wealth and Glory for themselves and Spain.


What was the Crusades?

The Crusades was a series of wars fought between the Middle East and Europe. 


Why did Spain lose interest in the lands North of Present-Day Mexico?

Because they didn't find gold there


What did French Explorer Sieur La Selle envision along the Mississippi River?

A great trading Empire