Geography concepts
Texas Geography
Prehistoric cultures
Native Texans 1

Define geography

To study the earth's surface

    Double points for the following:

    Greek: Geo "of the earth," and graphien "to write/study."


How is a butte different from a mesa?

A butte is a steep-sided hill, a mesa is a mountain with a flat top (also called a plateau).


Define prehistory

The time before written records


Name 2 Texas tribes

Atakapan, Wichita, Tonkawa, Comanche, Kiowa, Jumano, Concho, Tigua, Coahuíltican, Karankawa


What is the Prime Meridian?

An imaginary line humans used to divide the Earth into northern and southern halves, or hemispheres.


What encourages a higher population in the Coastal Plains than anywhere else in Texas?

Coasts naturally encourage inhabitation because 

A) They're easier to access from multiple locations because of water access and land access

B) They're more plentiful in natural resources because of sea access (namely fish and water resources)

C) They're natural export and import sites because of their water access


A kind of sustenance before agriculture 

Hunting & gathering

What is adobe?

Clay mixed with straw made into bricks that are fired in the sun


Describe "movement" in terms of geography. 

Transportation of people, goods, ideas.

Double points for giving a detailed example such as 

- Spaniard arrival in Texas in 1500s

- Television/Internet/Telephone spreading ideas

- Texas reliance on the importation of steel & coal from elsewhere


Explain the significance of each:

- The Balcones Fault

- Guadalupe Peak

- Balcones Fault forms the western border of the Coastal Plains, which has an escarpment as much as 1,000 ft.

- Guadalupe Peak is the highest point in the state


What's pemmican?

A food stuff ancient people made from dried meat, berries, fat and sometimes nuts which was highly portable and had a long shelf-life.


Name a TX tribe that farmed




Describe why a map complicates the perception of a place. 

A map is a 2-dimensional illustration that inherently distorts the actual representation of a 3-dimensional space by stretching the actual geographical landforms because of the gaps created when flattening a spherical planet.


How can one determine if a region has a drought?

One can look at the natural water lines on a lake or river and see if the water's surface is lower than the "tub rings" that mark the stone in the lake/river bed.

What's the name of the landform ancient peoples traveled across to get from the eastern hemisphere to Texas, and where was it located?

the Bering Land Bridge, between modern Russian and Alaska


Why was Caddo culture considered to be more advanced than that of other Texas Natives?

Because the Caddo lived in villages and had relatively sophisticated farming methods, and supported skilled workers who creative decorative and useful pottery


Name all 5 themes of geography

1. Location

2. Place

3. Interaction

4. Movement

5. Region


Name all 4 Regions of Texas

1. Coastal Plains

2. North Central Plains

3. Great Plains

4. Mountains & Basins


Name and spell the tool used by ancient peoples to amplify their hunting



Name 6 Texas tribes

Atakapan, Wichita, Tonkawa, Comanche, Kiowa, Jumano, Concho, Tigua, Coahuíltican, Karankawa