What is Texas Border and Mexican Affairs?
The governor must sign or veto legislation within...
How long is 10 days?
The states manager
Whos is The governor?
Texas voted for the Democrat candidate for presidential elections except...
Establishes all special and standing...
What are committees?
The governor of Texas
Who is Greg Abbott?
The governor has the power to either approve or veto bills passed by the...
What is the Texas Legislature?
States Highest officer below the governor
Who is the Liutenent Governor?
Texas is now an essential ... state
Appoints all ... and ...
weekly administrative jaw journal that publishes official state rules
What is Texas Register?
Responsible for implementing state...
What are laws?
In charge of Taxes and Fees
What is the Comptroller of public accounts
Texas used to be a ... state
What is a Democratic?
Assigns all ... legislation to the committee of his choice
What is State?
Maintain filings and records related to Texas Corporations
What is the buisness and public filings division?
Estimating the amounts of money required to be raised by...
What is taxation?
Top legal officer
Who is the attorney general?
The constitution adopted in...
When is 1876?
T/F The lieutenant governor does not decides all questions of parlimentary procedure in the Senate
Administering the Texas electional code
What is the elections Division?
Declaring special... to fill vacancies in certain elected officers.
What are elections?
Chief elections officer
Texas had no organized politicial parties before joining the ... in 1845
What is the Union?
The lietunent governors name is
Who is Dan Patrick?