Became Governor of Texas for one term and eventually served in the Confederate army ?
Francis Lubbock
Who did plantation work during the war as men served the Confederacy ?
What two main crops did farmers plant more of during the war as cotton declined ?
corn, wheat
The North cut off many supplies to which area durning the civil war ?
The South
How Long did the Civil War last ?
4 years
Was from Marshall,Texas became Governor and served till the end of the Civil War ?
Pendleton Murrah
Who served as a nurse during the war ?
Rosanna Osterman
Name 3 items factories in the south created ?
cannons ammunition wagons ambulances blankets shoes tents cloth saddles
Name 2 items that were scarce ?
Cloth Coffee tea salt baking soda paper
Name 2 advantages the north had over the south ?
The North had more money factories and war materials
Who completed Sam Houston's Term as Governor in 1861 ?
Edward Clark
Who was sent to Matagorda to help restore the union garrison back to health ?
Mary Sweeny
name two jobs of women during the war ?
teachers shopkeepers drivers
What was being used as a paper substitute ?
Wall paper
Who surrendered on april 9,1865 to Ulysses Grant at Appomattox Courthouse in Virginia ?
Robert E.Lee
What Confederate State was Francis Lubbock From ?
South Carolina
Why did Texas suffer less Physical Damage than other Confederate States ?
Few Battles were fought in the state.
in What cities were small factories opened to manufacture the supplies for the south ?
Tyler Austin
What do we call a mixture of peanuts okra corn barley wheat and sweet potatoes
Confederate Coffee
Where was the last battle of the civil war and who won ?
Palmito Ranch the South
What Job did Pendleton Murrah hold before becoming Governor?
how many men were estimated to be away from home during the war ?
4 out of five males.
what was the name of the group who took on the task of sewing items for the soldiers ?
Ladies needle Battalion
What was used to treat Malaria and was in short supply ?
How many Approximately died in the civil war ?