Spanish/Mexican Texas
Texas Revolution
Republic of Texas

Elevation does this as you go from East to West Texas

a. decreases

b. increases

c. stays the same

d. does not change

What is increase?


Often travelled from place to place following buffalo

a. Sedentary

b. Nomadic

c. Tipis

d. Adobe

What is B nomadic?


This was used to claim lands and convert Native Americans to Christianity

a. Presidio

b. Mission

c. Adobe

d. Tipis

What is a Spanish Mission?



Name the battle that marked the beginning of Texas Revolution with the flag "Come and Take It"?

A. Battle of the Alamo

B. Battle of Gonzales

C. Battle of San Jacinto

D. Battle of La Bahia

What is the Battle of Gonzales?


This was used to determine who would be executed after the Mier Expedition

a. Black beans

b. Tobacco

c. Money

d. Straws

What is A Black beans?



How is the amount of precipitation in East Texas different from the amount in West Texas?

A. The East gets more rain than the West

B. The West gets more rain than the East

C. East Texas gets approximately 25cm or less precipitation per year

D. West Texas gets more than 75cm of precipitation a year

What is the A, the East gets more rain than the West?


Often in adobe homes, these tribes stayed and farmed the lands

a. Sedentary

b. Nomadic

c. Tipis

d. Adobe

What is A sedentary?

This describes an Empresario

a. Land Agent

b. Waged unofficial War in another country

c. Opposed to slavery

d. Favored Annexation

What is A Land Agent?


Ad-Interim President of Republic of Texas

a. Sam Houston

b. William B Travis

c. David G Burnet

d. George Childress

Who is David G Burnet?


The Cordova Rebellion and the Council House Fight both had to deal with these type of people:

a. Catholic priests

b. Enslaved Texans

c. Tejano Landowners

d. American Indian Tribes


What are American Indian Tribes?



This river creates the Southern border between Texas and Mexico

What is the Rio Grande River?

Name the reasons for Early Exploration 

(The 3 G's)

What is Gold, God, Glory?


Philip Nolan was suspected of being one of the people who waged war in another country

What is a filibuster?


Leader in charge of Texian Army during Texas Revolution

Who is Sam Houston?


Name the 4 ELECTED Presidential terms of the Republic of Texas in order

What is Sam Houston, Mirabeau Lamar, Sam Houston and Anson Jones?

Type of landform Texas is mostly made up of (Hint: Think of Names of the 4 regions

What is Plains?


Tribe who often roamed Great Plains known for the hostility and expert horseman

Who are the Comanche?

Father of the Mexican Revolution

What is Miguel Hidalgo?


Reason why Stephen F Austin was jailed and put into prison

What is writing a letter for Texas to become a separate state?


Name of failed expedition during Lamar's term that got his men and Jose Navarro imprisoned

What is Santa Fe Expedition?

Name 2 cities in the Coastal Plains region

What is Austin, Dallas, San Antonio, Houston, Corpus Christi?


This explorer was captured by the Karankawa then released after he saved a life then later wrote about his findings of plants and animals he saw around Texas

Who is Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca?


This person is the Father of Texas and leader of the Old 300

Who is Stephen F Austin?


Wrote the Victory or Death Letter

Who was William B Travis?


Year Texas was Annexed into the Union

What is 1845?