Standards of Conduct
Code of Ethics

True or False? TXMN Program volunteers shall at all times: Be inconsiderate and disrespect others' points of view.


They should Be CONSIDERATE and RESPECT others' points of views.


Name the system of rules which a particular country or community recognizes as regulating the actions of its members and which it may enforce by the imposition of penalties.



True or False? It is okay to share old wives' tales about local species as fact when you are representing the Texas Master Naturalist program.

False. Texas Master Naturalists encourage the use of sound biological information in education and outreach and in management decisions.


True or False? It is okay for a Texas Master Naturalist chapter to provide alcoholic beverages during a garden service project as long as the public is not invited.

False. Use of alcohol and controlled substances while performing service as a TMN volunteer is prohibited. Reporting for service while underthe influence of alcohol or a controlled substance will result in termination from volunteer service.


Who owns Texas wildlife?

the people of the state of Texas


True or False? While you are vacationing in another state you are able to log volunteer hours as long as the volunteer service is related to native plants in that state.

False. Volunteer service needs to support Texas natural resources.


True or False? TXMN Program volunteers shall at all times: Keep accurate records of volunteer service, training, research, and impacts.


These records should be reported monthly (at a minimum). 


Which Act prohibits interstate transfer of wildlife?

1900 Federal Lacey Act


True or False? It is okay to harass wildlife as long as it is venomous.

False. Texas Master Naturalists never inappropriately disturb or harass wildlife. Never inappropriately remove anything from its natural state or area.


True or False? A Texas Master Naturalist is allowed to use their membership status for personal gain.


Texas Master Naturalist volunteers should refrain from advertising or self-promotion of membership status for personal gain (financial or commercial) or in a manner detrimental to the TMN Program and its volunteers.


True or False. It is okay for a Texas Master Naturalist to collect a robin feather as long as they use it for education.

False. According to the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, it is illegal for anyone to take, possess, import, export, transport, sell, purchase, barter or offer for sale, purchase or barter any migratory bird or the parts, nests or eggs of such a bird without a permit


True or False? It is okay for chapter leaders to approve some volunteers for a certain volunteer opportunity and not others who are equality qualified? 

False. Texas Master Naturalists support fair and uniform standards of service and treatment of those engaged in the TMN Program.


True or False? As both an employee of a nature center and a Texas Master Naturalist it is okay for you to log hours for all work done related to Texas natural resources.

False. Since you are being paid by your employer for doing the work, you cannot record volunteer hours for this activity.


In what year was the Endangered Species Act first passed?



True or False? It is okay for a Texas Master Naturalist to stop trying to learn more after initial training?

False. Texas Master naturalists strive to increase knowledge and skills to advance as a TMN volunteer.