voter movements
Nonpartisan resources
Important Dates

You prepare to vote for the FIRST time in Texas by...

What is Checking my voter registration and going to my local election office to fill out a voter registration form?


Name the 3 different types of elections

What are Local,State, and Presidential?


An organization played a key role in organizing young people for voter registration drives, particularly in the South.

Hint: the Mississippi Freedom Summer of 1964

SNCC : student non-violent coordinating committee


Name 2 of our non partisan resource suggestions

Who are League of women Voter, When We All Vote,, and Ballotpedia?


Election Day

What is November 5th, 2024?

Name two types of acceptable voter Identification cards

What is ...

  • Texas Driver License 
  • Texas Election Identification Certificate 
  • Texas Personal Identification Card
  • United States Military Identification Card containing the person’s photograph
  • United States Citizenship Certificate containing the person’s photograph
  • United States Passport (book or card)

We vote on what in local elections.

What is leadership in cities and towns, influencing policies on education, law enforcement, and public services?


A movement aimed at lowering the U.S. voting age from 21 to 18. Inspired by the idea that if young Americans were old enough to be drafted into the Vietnam War, they should also have the right to vote

What was the Let Us Vote (LUV) movement?


National Voter Education week

What is Oct. 7th through October. 11th?


Name a device that I cannot bring or have to shut down when I enter my polling location

What are...

  • Cell phones
  • Cameras
  • Tablet Computers
  • Laptop Computers
  • Sound Recorders
  • Any other device that may communicate wirelessly, or be used to record sound or images.

we vote on what in state elections

What are officials like governors, state legislators, and judges, impacting laws and policies that affect the entire state?


A movement was created by MTV to engage young people in the political process, initially to combat censorship in music.

What was Rock the Vote?


 National Vote Early day

What is Monday, October 29th, 2024?


I cannot wear this at my local polling location.

What is apparel relating to a candidate, measure, or political party?


we vote on what in presidental elections

Who is the president and vice president of the United States?


This movement played a notable role in increasing youth voter turnout in the 2018 midterm elections and advocates for gun reform and voter mobilization.

what is March for Our Lives?


Last day to register to vote in Texas

What is October 7th, 2024?