Important Details
Text Evidence
Who am I?

If I were answering the question: "Is Kayla a good student?", which of the following would be an important detail: A. Kayla is 13 years old. B. Kayla goes to a Catholic school. C. Kayla enjoys reading, and often asks the teacher if she can do more for extra credit.

C. Kayla enjoys reading, and often asks the teacher if she can do more for extra credit.


Sally arrives at home at 4:30 and knows that her mother does not get off of work until 5. Sally also sees that the lights are off in their house. What can Sally infer?

Her mother is not home.


Bob went to see a football game with his dad. They had been looking forward to this game for months. Their favorite team was playing, but the other team was dominating. Based on the text, WHY was Bob upset?

His team was losing the game.


Friday was our last day of school. My class spent the day at the park and had a picnic. When the final bell rang, I ran out of the building and headed home. How do I feel?

happy, excited


I wear a white labcoat, I work with chemicals, who am I?



If I were answering the question: "Do you think Marissa will go to college?", which is an important detail? A. Marissa has always wanted to be a doctor, and she knows she needs a lot of education to become one. B. Marissa's brothers have gone to college. C. Marissa loves animals a lot, and she has 3 dogs.

A. Marissa has always wanted to be a doctor, and she knows she needs a lot of education to become one.


The new girl at school didn't talk to anyone all day. When the teacher called on her she looked down at her desk. I don't think she made any friends on her first day. From this I can guess that the new girl is probably_____.

Shy, scared, embarrassed


The girl walked down the street with her head hanging down she had just lost her first soccer game. How is the girl feeling? What is the evidence for that?

Sad or disappointed

Her head is hanging.


Lawrence could not stop laughing. He knew it would probably get him in trouble, but it seemed like every time someone said something it was hilarious! An adult walked by and asked him to focus on his task. Where might Lawrence be? How do you know?


get in trouble for nonstop laughing

asked to focus on task


I put on my white shirt and begin chopping carrots. Behind me is a pot of boiling broth. I choose some nice herbs and chop them to place into the soup. When it is done, I pour a bowl of hot soup and hand it to the waiter. Who am I?



If I were answering the question: "Why does Mark want to visit Mexico?", which is an important detail? A. Mark is a sophomore in high school. B. Mark studied Mexico in school last month. C. Mark hears his mother talk about Mexico and wishes he could see for himself.

C. Mark hears his mother talk about Mexico and wishes he could see for himself.


Shanay had never seen so many fish before. She looked around and saw hundreds of fish, crabs, shrimp, and all other amazing creatures completely surrounding her. Where do you think she is?



John was a Nascar driver and he had just one his first race. He climbed out of the window of his car and threw his fist up into the air. He would never forget the moment he won his very first race. How does John feel? What text evidence proves that?

Excited, happy, proud

he grinned, threw his fist up, never forget the moment.


Noah shifted nervously on the padded table, causing the white paper he sat on to crinkle and tear. He hated this part - waiting to be seen - hated it even more when they made him wear a ridiculous paper gown. Where is Noah? How do you know?

doctor's office


padded table with crinkly paper

paper gown


I flop and bounce and swing around on the floor or on some sticks and I sometimes look like I don’t have bones. I desperately need a white powder to do what needs to be done, and looking at me you might wonder why I look like I am about to go swimming. Who am I?

A gymnast


If I were answering the question: "Why are lionfish an invasive species?", which is the most important detail? A. They are native to the warm waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. B. Lionfish are predators. C. They eat 1-2 fish per minute and they don't stop eating when they are full.

C. They eat 1-2 fish per minute and they don't stop eating when they are full. 


The young chocolate Labrador lay on the floor watching her owner's every move. She could sense that something different was about to happen. Tim Brown was packing his belongings to put into storage. He had been ordered to leave immediately for his post half a world away. What is Tim Brown's job?



Kate stared at the giant parking lot. She couldn't remember where she parked her car. This happened every time she went to the mall. "Where could it be?" she said, "I thought it would be right here." She sat down on the ground, sighed, and placed her head in her hands. What detail from the text tells you how she feels? What evidence do you have for that?

Frustrated, upset, or annoyed

Sat on the ground, sighed, and placed her head in her hands

This happened every time she went to the mall. Where could it be?


Joey put his hands on his ears as he tried to finish. The girl sitting next to him kept tapping her pencil on the table. He could hear the hum of the lawn mower outside. How might Joey be feeling and where might he be? How do you know?

frustrated, stressed, distracted

trying to take a test or complete an assignment at school

 "as he tried to finish," "tapping her pencil on the table," "hum of lawn mower outside"


I purposefully give you problems yet I can also help you solve your problems, I give you instructions and guide yet I criticize you and point out your mistakes as well. I may know numbers, I may know how to sing or dance and anything in between. Who am I?

a teacher


If I were answering the question: "Why is Finland known as the happiest country in the world?", which is the most important detail? A. The sun doesn't rise for months during the winter B. The Finnish people have free healthcare, free college, and five weeks of vacation time. C. Most people in Finland earn pretty good money.

B. The Finnish people have free healthcare, free college, and five weeks of vacation time.


 On April 3, 1909, an American explorer named Matthew Henson was walking across the ice-covered Arctic Ocean. In this frozen wilderness, no person could survive for long. Even polar bears stayed away. But Henson was excited, because he was only days away from achieving his dream: to become one of the first people to reach the North Pole. Henson put his head down and pushed forward against the wind. He had devoted nearly 20 years of his life to his goal of reaching the North Pole. What can you infer about Matthew Henson? What evidence can you use to support that inference?

Determined, persistent


 He put his head down and walked into the wind.

He had devoted nearly 20 years of his life to his goal of reaching the North Pole.


After escaping over the back fence, the dog wandered the streets all day. Nothing looked familiar to her. Other dogs barked at her from behind fences and windows. Car horns blared. Her head hung down and her tail was between her legs. How is the dog feeling? What evidence proves that?

Lost, afraid, or sad

Nothing looked familiar

Her head hung down

Her tail was between her legs


"Mush, Koda, mush," Amaruq shouted to the head of her team. The temperature was a cool 7 degrees, but Amaruq was well-bundled and only the tops of her cheeks registered the biting wind as she and her team whistled along. She felt good about their chances at winning. Where is Amuruq and what is she doing? How do you know?

dog sled race, Arctic, north in the snow

"temperature is 7 degrees," she says mush to her team, "felt good about their chances of winning"


I carry a lot of secrets, happy or sad, I drive or walk to my destination rain or shine to make sure I give you what is truly yours. Everything that I bring with me is destined for only for one place which is decided in advance. Who am I?

mail carrier