Important Details
Point of View

How did Jennifer Lou's point of view about her name change over time?

She became more comfortable with her name; At first she felt empty/excluded because she did not have a middle name, but in the end, she felt like she could find betweenness in both parts of her.


In Mrs. Johnson’s class, we started a kindness challenge. Each week, we had to do something nice for someone else. I wrote a note for my friend Mia, telling her how awesome she was at soccer. It made her smile!

By the end of the week, everyone shared their stories. Some helped neighbors, while others shared snacks. I realized that being kind not only made others happy but also made me feel good inside.

Theme: Helping others brings joy and satisfaction.


Bob went to see a football game with his dad. They had been looking forward to this game for months as it was his favorite team. The team ended up losing the game in the end.  Based on the text, what can you infer is Bob's point of view about the game? Why?

He feels saddened that his favorite team lost the game.

Friday was our last day of school. My class spent the day at the playground and had a picnic. When the final bell rang, I ran out of the building and headed home. My mom had a popsicle waiting for me. How do I feel?
happy, excited

What is theme?

The lesson the author is trying to teach the reader. 


Which is NOT characteristic of a personal narrative?

a. Second-person

b. written by the person involved in the narrative

c. true story. 

a. second-person


The new girl at school didn't talk to anyone all day. When the teacher called on her she looked down at her desk. I don't think she made any friends on her first day. 

What is the tone of this passage?

a. lonely

b. curious

c. neutral

d. amused

a. lonely


White grapes are the best fruits of the world. They are the right amount of sour and sweet and they have a great crunch. Whenever, I run out of white grapes at the house, I immediately run to closest grocery store to refill my fridge. What is my point of view about white grapes?

White grapes are my favorite fruit.

White Grapes are the best fruits in the world.

Lawrence could not stop laughing. He knew it would probably get him in trouble, but it seemed like every time someone said something it was hilarious! How is Lawrence feeling?
silly, happy
What is the definition of Tone?

Tone is the attitude or mood of a text


What did Rosa Parks forget to do before getting on the bus in "You're Under Arrest"?

Check to see who the bus driver was before boarding.


When I entered the science fair, I was nervous. I had spent weeks working on my volcano project, but I wasn’t sure if anyone would like it. On the day of the fair, I set up my display and waited for the judges.

When they came by, I explained how my volcano erupted with baking soda and vinegar. Their eyes lit up with excitement! They asked lots of questions, and I felt my confidence grow. By the end of the day, I won a blue ribbon!

I learned that believing in myself and sharing my hard work can lead to great rewards.

Theme: Hard work pays off. 


John was a Nascar driver and he had just one his first race. He climbed out of the window of his car and threw his fist up into the air. John was so overjoyed he began to grin from ear to ear. He would never forget the moment he won his very first race. How does John feel about his first race? How do you know?

John feels enthusiastic about his first race.

He grinned, threw his fist up, never forget the moment.


I scowled at my brother for taking the last pop-tart. I felt like hitting him at this point. I was not a morning person. How do I feel?



What is the definition of point of view?

Point of view is the author's feelings or opinion about something


What was the name of the protest that Rosa Parks sparked after being arrested?

Bus Boycott. 


I woke up to find the world covered in a thick blanket of snow. Everything looked magical! The trees sparkled, and the air felt crisp and fresh. I could hardly contain my excitement as I rushed to get dressed.

As I stepped outside, I felt the soft snow crunch under my boots. I laughed and twirled in the snow, letting the flakes dance around me. Building a snowman with my friends was the best part of the day. We made it taller than me and gave it a silly face with rocks and a carrot nose.

This snowy day was one I would always remember!

What is the tone of the passage?

a. humorous

b. cheerful

c. appreciative

d. honest 

b. cheerful

Kate stared at the giant parking lot. She couldn't remember where she parked her car. This happened every time she went to the mall. "Where could it be?" she said, "I thought it would be right here." She sat down on the ground and began to frown. What detail from the text tells you her point of view?

The words "frown" and "sat down on the ground"

Joey put his hands on his ears as he tried to finish his math test. The girl sitting next to him kept tapping her pencil on the table. How does he feel?

What is the inferencing equation?

What you know + text information= making inferences


If I were answering the question: "How should a new student act on the first day of school at Burton?", which is an important detail? A. Burton is in Glendale, Arizona. B. Kids at Burton appreciate a person who is kind and friendly. C. You should have all of your information (phone number, address, etc.) ready when you come to register at Burton.

B. Kids at Burton appreciate a person who is kind and friendly.


All Victor ever wanted to do with his life was be a singer. He didn't pay attention in school, and he spent all his time at home listening to music and impersonating his idols. His mother tried to teach him the value of getting an education and having a backup plan. But Victor would respond the same way every time, "Mom, I won't need to know any of that boring old stuff when I'm famous. You'll see." There was one major problem with Victor's plan: he wasn't any good at singing. Victor enjoyed singing so much that he didn't notice the pained look on the faces of those who endured his singing. Some lied to him and said they liked his singing. Other people told him to find something else to do with his life. Victor accused those people of being "jealous haters" and ignored their advice. Soon Victor dropped out of high school to focus on his music career. The years passed and the doors never opened. 

What is the theme of this story?

Theme: Don't put all your eggs in one basket.


Today was supposed to be fun, but it started to rain. I looked out the window and felt disappointed. I wanted to play outside with my friends, but now we were stuck inside.

At first, I sulked, but then I had an idea! We could build a fort with blankets and pillows! I ran to gather supplies and soon, my living room was transformed into a cozy hideout. We played games and told stories until the rain stopped.

In the end, I realized that even a rainy day can be fun if you use your imagination!

What is the speaker's point of view about the rainy day? 

The speaker initially feels disappointed about the rain but changes their perspective and finds joy in creating an indoor fort with friends.

Alex was in a hurry to get home to watch football. He was driving over the speed limit when suddenly, he heard a siren and saw flashing lights, "No! Please not now," he thought. What do you think is happening? How do you know?
he is getting pulled over, flashing lights.

What is personification? Give an example.

Personification is when nonhuman things are given human qualities.

Example: The trees danced as the wind blew its hair.