A word that is darker in color to show importance or make vocabulary stand out in a text.
Example: Some lizards can camouflage to stop them from being seen.
What is bold?
A phrase on the front of a book/top of an article to show what the text will be about.
What is a title?
A way to show what something looks like. Taken with a camera.
What is photograph/picture?
A list of words in alphabetical order with their definitions.
What is glossary?
Located under a photograph or illustration, it tells the reader what is in the picture.
What is caption?
A word or phrase that is slanted to stand out in a sentence.
Example: "I don't care what you think!"
What are italics?
A phrase at the top of a page/paragraph to tell what that section is going to be about.
What is a heading/subheading?
A way to show what something looks like. It is drawn or painted by a person.
What is illustration?
An image of a place to show where something might have happened.
What is map?
Words with arrows/lines pointing to a specific part of a diagram.
What is label?
A word or phrase that is a different color to make it stand out in a text.
What is colored text?
A list of topics at the beginning of a book or article that tells the reader what page to go to in order to read about a certain thing.
What is table of contents?
A way to show information that contains numbers so that it's easier to understand.
What are charts/diagrams/graphs?
Important events in order of how they happened.
What is timeline?
A piece of text separated from the main body that sometimes gives fun facts and uses bullet points.
What is sidebar?