Patterns of Organization
Addition and Time
Test Questions A
Test Questions B
Test Questions C

Television news stories resemble newspaper articles in being timely and appealing to a wide audience. However, TV coverage tends to be more superficial, emphasizing the visual aspects of a story rather than important background issues... 

A. Definition and Example 

B. Comparison and/or contrast 

C. Cause and effect

What is B. Comparison and/or contrast

Clue Word: "However"


Transitions are words that signal _____________ ideas. 

A. parts of 

B. relationships between 

C. the importance of

What is B. relationships between


"I decided I wasn't going to make it any easier for him, so I looked him straight in the eye." The relationship between the two parts of the sentence above is one of 

A. time 

B. contrast 

C. comparison 

D. cause and effect

What is D. cause and effect

Clue Word: "so"


My mother believes in various superstitions, such as the idea that if you drop a fork, it means company is coming. What transition is shown in the sentence above? 

A. time order 

B. cause and effect 

C. illustration

What is C. illustration

Clue Word: "such as"


"Jin Yu turned to the window, hoping to glimpse a team of reindeer in flight, then lay back and drifted off, content, or at least relieved. The next morning, she awoke to find that, sure enough, Santa had visited her home..." What does the second sentence do? 

A. It adds more detail to the first sentence 

B. It shows a time order relationship

What is B. It shows a time order relationship

Word Clue: "next"


Many drivers take to the roads in July and August , when families traditionally go on vacation. As a result, oil companies often raise the price of gasoline during the summer months... 

A. Definition and example 

B. Comparison and/or contrast 

C. Cause and Effect

What is C. Cause and Effect

Clue Word: "As a Result"


A(n) __________ transition signals that the writer is adding to an idea or ideas already mentioned. 

A. addition 

B. time 

C. organizational

What is A. addition


"This growth did not come at the expense of Las Vegas. On the contrary, Las Vegas has been the fastest- growing major city in America for the last decade..." What does sentence two do? 

A. established a cause and effect relationship 

B. I makes a contrast with the first sentence 

C. It shows time order relationship

What is B. I makes a contrast with the first sentence

Clue Word: "on the contrary"


Julie is not satisfied with her paper, despite the fact that she had already written five drafts. Which transition is showcased above? 

A. addition 

B. contrast 

C. compare 

D. cause and effect

What is B. contrast

Clue Word: "despite"


There are several possible explanations for why retail prices often end on certain numbers. What pattern of organization is show here? 

A. Definition and example 

B. Comparison and/or contrast 

C. Cause and effect

What is C. Cause and effect

Clue Words: "explanations for why"


In a mystery story, the term 'red herring' refers to a false or misleading clue meant to deceive the reader. One famous red herring is Sherlock Holmes's farewell note to Dr. Watson in "The Final Problem," which leads the reader to believe Holmes has fallen to his death... 

A. Definition and example 

B. Comparison and/or Contrast 

C. Cause and Effect

What is A. Definition and example

Clue Word: "one"


When a passage provides a series of directions or steps, or a sequence of events, it is likely to use __________ transitions. 

A. organizational 

B. addition 

C. time

What is C. time.


The relationship expressed in the phrase "a tree that stood like a banner of welcome" is one of 

A. contrast 

B. comparison 

C. cause and effect 

D. time

What is B. comparison

Clue Word: "like"


Because my sister was late to the wedding, my brother made a toast to the bride and groom. Which transition is showcased above? 

A. cause and effect 

B. time order 

C. comparison

What is A. cause and effect

Clue Word: "Because"


"Stress-related problems such as anxiety, migraine headaches, insomnia, anorexia and bulimia are epidemic on college campuses." The sentence above expresses a relationship of 

A. Contrast 

B. Cause and effect 

C. illustration 

D. addition

What is C. illustration

Clue Word: "such as"


One type of hearing loss is caused by damage to the nerve cells in the inner ear. The damage may be a result of loud noises, allergic reactions to medicines, or a hard blow to the ear or skull. Certain diseases cause damage to the nerve cells of the inner ear... 

A. Definition and Example 

B. Comparison and/or Contrast 

C. Cause and Effect

What is C. Cause and Effect

Clue Word: "result"


True or False? A main idea often suggests a paragraph's patters of organization.

What is True

"I was at school a few days later when Uncle Ken left. When I came home, I couldn't find my dog anywhere." The sentences above express a relationship of... A. contrast B. cause and effect C. Illustration D. time
What is D. time

"Following are three reasons for the existence of stereotypes." Which patter of organization is used in the sentence above? 

A. Definition and example 

B. Compare and/or contrast 

C. Cause and effect

What is C. Cause and effect

Clue Word: "reasons"


"College loans are now much harder to obtain and are available only at near-market interest rates. Consequently, most college students must work at least part-time." What does the second sentence do? 

A. It adds more detail to the first sentence 

B. It establishes a time order relationship 

C. It establishes a cause and effect relationship 

D. It shows contrast

What is C. It establishes a cause and effect relationship

Clue Word: "consequently"


A complementary relationship is one in which the distribution of power in unequal. One partner says, "Let's go to a movie tonight," and the other says, "Sure." The boss asks several employees to work overtime, and they all agree... 

A. Definition and Example 

B. Compare and/or Contrast 

C. Cause and Effect

What is A. Definition and Example

Clue Word: "one"


A passage's pattern of organization is the patters in which its ___________ are organized. 

A. supporting details 

B. main ideas 

C. causes and effects

What is A. supporting details


"I got sick a lot that winter because the fire would go out at night before the clothes were dry." The sentence above contains a(n) 

A. contrast signal

B. comparison signal 

C. illustration signal 

D. cause-effect signal

What is D. cause-effect signal

Clue Word: "because"


before, immediately, following, by, as, during, while, and until are all _________ words 

A. time 

B. contrast 

C. illustration 

D. cause and effect

What is A. time


Convenience products can be subdivided into four groups on the basis of how people buy them. 

A. list of items relationship 

B. time order relationship 

C. compare and contrast relationship

What is A. list of items relationship

Clue Word: "products" into "groups"