Cause and Effect
Problem and Solution
Compare and Contrast
Main Idea

When it started raining heavily, the streets quickly became flooded. Many cars had to stop, and people couldn’t go outside because the water was too high.

Question: What is the effect of the heavy rain?

The streets became flooded, and people couldn’t go outside.


First, I wake up and brush my teeth. Then, I eat breakfast and get ready for school.

Question: What is the first thing the person does in the morning?

The person wakes up and brushes their teeth.


The student couldn’t finish his homework because he lost his textbook. He looked through his backpack to find it.

Question: What was the problem in the passage?

The student lost his textbook.


Cats are independent animals that enjoy having their own space, while dogs are often more social and love being around people.

Question: How are cats and dogs different?

Cats are independent, while dogs are more social.


There are many different ways to take care of your health. Eating vegetables, getting plenty of exercise, and drinking enough water are all important for staying healthy.

What is the main idea?

The main idea is about taking care of your health.


After the students studied hard for their exams, they felt more confident and scored better.

Question: What is the cause of the students feeling more confident?

The students studied hard for their exams.


First, the caterpillar eats leaves and grows bigger. Next, it becomes a pupa and forms a cocoon. Finally, the adult butterfly emerges.

Question: What is the second step in the life cycle of a butterfly?

The caterpillar becomes a pupa and forms a cocoon.


There was too much trash in the park. The city hired extra workers to clean up the park and provide more trash cans.

Question: What is the solution to the problem of trash in the park?

The city hired extra workers and provided more trash cans.


Both apples and oranges are fruits that are healthy to eat, but apples are crunchy and sweet, while oranges are juicy and tangy.

Question: How are apples and oranges alike?

Both are fruits that are healthy to eat.


The rainforest is home to many different animals, such as monkeys, frogs, and birds. These animals rely on the trees and plants for food and shelter.

Question: What is the main idea of the passage?

The main idea is that the rainforest is home to many animals that rely on its plants for food and shelter.


The forest fire spread quickly because strong winds carried the flames over a large area, burning everything in its path.

Question: What caused the fire to spread quickly?

Strong winds carried the flames.


First, mix the flour and sugar in a bowl. Next, add the eggs and stir. Then, pour the mixture into a pan and bake at 350°F for 30 minutes.

Question: What is the third step in making the recipe?

Pour the mixture into a pan and bake at 350°F for 30 minutes.


The car broke down on the side of the road. The driver called a tow truck to take the car to the repair shop.

Question: What was the solution to the car breaking down?

The driver called a tow truck.


Summer is hot, and people often go on vacation or swim in the pool. Winter is cold, and people tend to stay indoors and enjoy warm drinks.

Question: How are summer and winter different?

Summer is hot, and people go on vacation, while winter is cold, and people stay indoors.


Trees help the environment by providing oxygen, cleaning the air, and offering shelter to animals. They also make the environment look beautiful.

Question: What is the main idea of the passage?

The main idea is that trees help the environment in many ways.


Because of the high demand for fresh fruit, the store ran out of apples before the end of the day.

Question: What is the cause of the store running out of apples?

High demand for fresh fruit.


First, the ice cream is made by mixing the ingredients. Then, it is frozen in a machine. Afterward, the ice cream is scooped into bowls or cones.

Question: What happens after the ingredients are mixed?

The ice cream is frozen in a machine.


The classroom was too noisy for the teacher to give the lesson. The teacher asked the students to work quietly and focus on their tasks.

Question: What is the solution to the noise in the classroom?

The teacher asked the students to work quietly.


Reading a book is a quiet activity where you imagine the story in your mind. Watching a movie is an activity where you see the story on screen.

Question: How are reading and watching a movie similar?

Both allow you to enjoy a story.


Many people enjoy playing sports because it helps them stay active. Soccer, basketball, and swimming are just a few examples of popular sports people play around the world.

Question: What is the main idea of the passage?

The main idea is that playing sports helps people stay active.


Because the playground was too icy, the school decided to close it for the day to keep students safe.

Question: What is the effect of the icy playground?

The school decided to close the playground for safety.


First, a seed is planted in the soil. Next, the seed begins to sprout, growing roots and a stem. Finally, the plant blooms and produces flowers.

Question: What happens last in the sequence?

The plant blooms and produces flowers.


The team was losing the game. They decided to work together and practice more to improve their skills before the next match.

Question: What is the solution to the team losing?

The team decided to practice more.


Penguins are birds that live in cold climates and cannot fly. Eagles are birds that live in various climates and can soar high in the sky.

How are they different?

Penguins live in cold climates and cannot fly, while eagles can soar high and live in various climates.


The Earth orbits the Sun, which gives us day and night. As Earth moves around the Sun, it also tilts, which causes the changing seasons.

Question: What is the main idea of the passage?

The main idea is about how Earth's orbit and tilt cause day, night, and seasons.