Vocabulary Words
Central Idea
Text Structures

What are homophones?

words that sound the same but are spelled differently

What are homographs?

Words that are spelled the same but sound different.


What is the meaning of typical?

usual or normal


What does the central idea mean?

what the text is mostly about 

To surprise her mother on her birthday, Samantha got up early and make coffee. First, she filled the pot with water. Then she cleaned and replaced the filter. Next, she got fresh coffee, measured just the right amount, and poured it into the filter. Finally, she pressed the "on" button and within seconds, the aroma of the fresh-brewed coffee filled the house. The MAIN text structure used in this paragraph is . . .
What is sequence?

These homophones sound the same, but are spelled and look different. One is what you use to see, the other is a pronoun you would use instead of me.

What is eye and I?


This homograph is something you hit with and an animal you might see flying at night.



What is the meaning of slogan?

short catchy phrases that are easy to remember


Niagara Falls is one of the most beautiful sights in North America. It is on the Niagra River about halfway between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie . Niagara Falls is on the American and Canadian border. The American Falls is 167 feet high. On the Canadian side, the Horseshoe Falls is 161 feet high.What is the main idea of the paragraph?

Niagara Falls is one of the most beautiful sights in North America.

Willow Creek is very different from New York City. There are no tall skyscrapers in Willow Creek. All you can see are fields and sky. Instead of taxicab horns and fire truck sirens, it is so quiet at night that you can hear the crickets chirping. The MAIN text structure used in this paragraph is . . .
What is compare and contrast?

One of these homophones is what you get when you put two halves put together. The other is an empty space in the ground.

What is whole and hole?


This homograph is something you do with a boat and is what you sit in at the movie theater.



What is the definition of hardships?

difficulties caused by not having enough of something


The Statue of Liberty is visited by thousands of people every year. The Statue of Liberty is a 151 foot statue of a woman holding a book and a torch. It is located on an island in New York Harbor. It was a gift of friendship from the people of France.It has become a universal symbol of freedom.What is the main idea of the paragraph?

The Statue of Liberty is visited by thousands of people every year.

The music was blasting so loud, Marco thought his ears would burst. The stage was filled with bright blue laser beams and a shower of yellow and green paper streamers. All around him, the crowd was singing and dancing wildly. The MAIN text structure used in this paragraph is . . .
What is description?

Check it out! There are three homophones that sound the same! One is a number, one means also, and the other is talking about direction.

What is to, two, too


This homograph is both a place you like to play and what cars do to take their nap!



What is the definition of posts?

forts or stops along the trail where people buy supplies


Kangaroos eat grasses, leaves and roots. The joey lives in the mother's pouch for 9 months.They only like grass that is green and close to the ground.What is the main idea of the paragraph?

Kangaroos eat grasses, leaves and roots.

Joey lost his science book. He knew he would be in big trouble if he was unable to study for the final. What should he do? He thought for a few worried moments, and then decided to retrace his steps. He remembered putting the book in his backpack that morning. He had taken it out at school when his friend Kim asked to look something up. Now he remembered - Kim still had his book! The MAIN text structure used in this paragraph is . . .
What is problem and solution?

Achoo! You might get sick with one of these homophones. And the other is how a bird gets to it's nest/tree.

What is flu and flew?


This homograph can mean you didn't come in first place, but almost. It also can mean a small measurement of time.



What is the meaning of patriotic?

people who show their love for their country


The Erie Canal changed the way people moved goods and supplies in the mid 1800's.The 363 mile canal connected Albany, New York to Lake Erie in Buffalo for the first time. When the canal opened in 1825, building supplies and goods could be transported quickly and cheaply across New York State.Canal boats pulled by mules carried people and supplies the 363 miles.What is the main idea of the paragraph?

The Erie Canal changed the way people moved goods and supplies in the mid 1800's.

Every spring, shortly after the tulips bloom, farmers in Holland go through the tulip fields and cut the blooms off the tulips. This seems strange, because it leaves a field full of green stems. However, it makes the colorful tulip blooms grow back even bigger and stronger later that spring. The MAIN text structure used in this paragraph is . . .
What is cause and effect?