Text Structure
Passages- Hard
Vocab 2
all stories are ordered this way; "time order"
What is chronological?
life of a person, historical events
What is chronological?
Some countries, such as Japan, or parts of a country, like California in the United States, have a lot of earthquakes. In order to protect their clubhouse from collapse from an earthquake, Chris, Logan, and Andrew practice seismic design, or "earthquake-proofing". They built their clubhouse to hold strongly against and earthquake. What is the text structure being used?
What is problem and solution?

Cat and dogs

compare and contrast


what is authors perspective?

the way the author feels or thinks

explains reasons why something happened or explains the effects of something
What is cause and effect?
the author explains how two or more things are alike and how they are different
What is compare and contrast?

When Karlee got home from school after a long, boring day, she took out some peanut butter, jelly, and bread. She spread the peanut butter first, then the jelly. After getting her glass of milk, she enjoyed a rerun of her favorite show, starring Athena Pini .  what is the text structure?

What is chronological?


Calligraphy is a form of handwriting . A special pen must be used. Letters are formed by using up and down strokes. Calligraphy is not as popular today, so you will find that old documents are usually written in this form. Diplomas, certificates and other awards are written in calligraphy. It is an interesting form of handwriting. What is the text structure?



what is author's claim?

the statement an author says to convince his reader

steps described in the order in which they occur
What is sequence?
Tigers are endangered. One way to help is to stop deforestation of their habitats.
What is problem and solution?

Olivia and Garry and couldn't find their textbooks. No matter where they looked, they had no luck. They decided to retrace their steps. They searched in the cafeteria where they had eaten breakfast but they weren't there. Their books weren't in their first class, either. Then they remembered: their books were on top of their lockers! Both of them had put the books there that morning on their way to breakfast. What is the text structure being used?

What is problem and solution?


In 1999, Ms. Camejo was born. In 2005, she went to kindergarten. In 2017, she graduated highschool. In 2021, she got her bachelor's. And in December of 2022, she will graduate with her master's. What is the text structure?



Name some text features





the author states a conflict and offers a resolution
What is problem and solution?
The author lists the items or events in order; how to make or do something.
What is sequence?

The modern Olympics are very unlike the ancient Olympic games. Individual events are different. While there was no swimming in the ancient games, for example, there were chariot races. There were no female contestants and all athletes competed in the nude. Of course, the ancient and modern Olympics are also like in many ways. Some events, such as the javelin and the discus throws are the same. Some people say that cheating, professionalism, and nationalism in the modern games are a disgrace to the Olympic tradition. But according to the Greek writers there were many cases of cheating, nationalism, and professionalism in their Olympics, too. Which text structure is being used in this passage? 

What is compare and contrast? 


One day Ms. Camejo lost her dog and she searched the whole town for him. Two weeks passed and she could still not find him. One day she went looking and she found him hiding in the backyard. What is the text structure?

problem and solution


What text structure does an author explain or describe?


comparing similarities and differences
What is compare and contrast?

the titanic sinking because of an iceberg

cause and effect


All matter can be changed in two ways: chemically and physically. Both chemical and physical changes affect the state of matter. Physical changes are those that do not change the make-up or identity of the matter. Chemical changes turn the matter into a new kind of matter with different properties.The difference between them is that physical changes are temporary and chemical changes are permanent. Both changes affect the state of matter. What is the main text structure being used? 

What is compare and contrast? 


A recipe to make cupcakes.



How does an author support his claim?

with reasons and evidence