Terrence and the Color Wheel
Cause and Effect
Compare Contrast Poems
Compare and Contrast

Terrence was excited about his new watercolor set.

The 1st event in the story


What are THREE signal words for cause and effect? 

Since, because, if, due to, as a result of, so, then, leads to.


What are THREE signal words for sequencing? 

Before, in the beginning, to start, first, next, then


The person climbs a tree in which poem?

Foreign Lands only poem


What are THREE signal words for compare and contrast? 

Similar, different, alike, both, on the other hand, unlike, just like


Terrence showed one of the new pictures to his dad.

Event 3 in the story


What is the definition of cause and effect?

The results of something are explained


What is the definition of sequencing?

Information in a passage that is organized by the order in which things happened. 


The person is in the poem imagines more than can really be seen.

Both poems


What is the definition of compare and contrast?

Two or more things are described, pointing out similarities and differences


Terence's dad asked him if he know how our eyes see different colors.

Event 2 in the story


Practice Question- What is the effect of Wendy helping Kyle?

Kyle really struggled in math, but he wanted to do well on the upcoming test. He asked his older sister Wendy to help him study. Each day after school, Wendy worked with kyle. By the day of the test, Kyle was ready. He earned an A!

The effect of wendy helping Kyle is that he did well on his test. 


What is the difference between chronological order and sequencing? 

Sequencing has events that happen in order, chronological order is the dates/years in which the events happened

Or, sequencing is similar to steps, chronological order is similar to time.


The authors purpose for writing the poem was to provide the reader with factual information.

Neither poem


Read the following passage, and determine 2 ways the two pieces of bread are being COMPARED

Olive Garden Breadsticks are delicious! They have a great flavor, and they are always warm, soft, and tasty. They are in the shape of a stick! On the other hand, Red Lobster Biscuits are round, and kind of flat. But similar to Olive Garden Breadsticks, they are yummy, warm, and delicious.

They are yummy, warm, and delicious pieces of bread.


Terence's dad said that a light beam is made up of a smaller beams of different colors.

Event 5 in the story


Read the following passage and determine what caused Mia to sell her old games and toys.

Mia's family was so excited about the garage sale that day.  Mia collected all of her old toys and games to sell so she could buy new ones later. By the end of the sale, she earned enough to buy a new set of legos.

The garage sale caused Mia to sell her old games and toys.


Read the following passage, and list the sequence of the events in order. 

Ms. McDonald has her students do four things every morning. First, they unpack. Then, they put away their bookbags into the giant purple bag bins. Next, they fill out their agendas. Finally, they turn on their brains and are ready to learn! They are some very smart students!

1) Unpack

2) Put their book bag away

3)Fill out the agenda

4) Turn on their brains


The person in the poem sails toy boats. 

Where Go the Boats only poem


Read the following passages, and list one similarity and one difference between the two foods:

Pancakes and waffles are delicious breakfast foods! They both go great with maple syrup and fruit. You can eat both of them for breakfast or even dinner. Waffles have a cool texture, but on the other hand, pancakes are fluffier and are easier to stack. Whichever option you pick, you are sure to have a great meal.

Similarities from the passage include: They are both breakfast foods, they go great with maple syrup and fruit, and you can eat them for breakfast or dinner.

Differences include: Difference in texture, and you can stack pancakes easier


Terrence asked his dad what else he could tell him about color. 

Event 8 in the story


Read the following passage, and determine the effect of the leaves scattering everywhere.

It was Fall, and all of the trees in the yard were losing their leaves. Dad raked all of the leaves into a giant pile, then went inside to make lunch. While he was inside, Alex jumped into the pile and scattered the leaves everywhere. When Dad came back outside, he handed the rake to Alex.

The effect of the leaves scattering everywhere was that Dad handed the rake to Alex to clean them up.


Read the following passage below. Then determine, what is the 3rd event to happen in the story?

Every morning, Mrs. Gladden makes a smoothie for breakfast. The first thing she does is get the blender out. Next, she adds all of the ingredients. After, she blends all of them up. Then, she pours her smoothie into a cup and finally gets to enjoy her drink!

"She blends all of them up."


The person in the poem imagines a land of make-believe.

Foreign Lands poem 


Read the following passage, and explain why the text structure is comparing and contrasting. You also MUST include what the two topics being discussed are.

Basketball and football are popular sports in America. Basketball involves throwing a ball into a net to score against the other team. On the other hand, football involves running a ball across the field to score against the other team. They both have teams of people playing against each other to win points. Football has touchdowns, however, basketball has free throws.

This text is comparing and contrasts two sports, football and basketball. We know it is comparing and contrasting because they talk about similarities and differences between the two sports, and use signal words such as both, on the other hand, and however.